January 20, 1961; Washington, D.C. Young, handsome, with a glamorous family in tow, John F. Kennedy embodied the fresh optimism that had marked the post-war decade. On January 20, 1961, Kennedy took the oath of office as the 35th President of the United States. The youngest president in United States history, he was the first man born in the 20th century to hold that office. Listening to his inaugural address, the nation felt that a new era and a “new frontier” were being ushered in. For all of the journals this week, listen to/watch the video assigned. In your journal post, write what stands out in the speech to you and what resonates with you personally. And why?
Nick Hoover
1/17/2017 09:35:35 am
The part of President Kennedy's speech that stood out the most to me was, the talk of passing the torch to different generations. The part where he talked about honouring the old generation while moving into the new resonates with me because, as time goes on we are getting closer and closer to having to take that torch ourselves. We as a generation need to learn from the previous generations mistakes, but also appreciate everything they have done for this country.
Eduardo Villarreal
1/17/2017 10:24:15 am
the part that stood out to me was when president Kennedy was talking about not forgetting who we are and not to permit things happen. i can learn to do a speech like this.
Christopher Munoz
1/17/2017 10:26:36 am
what stood out most to me from Kennedy's speech is when he said " we observe today, not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom. symbolizing and end as well as a beginning." showing the restart and chance to make a change.
Haley West
1/17/2017 01:08:43 pm
What stood out the most to me from Kennedys speech is when he said we observe today, not a victory of party,but a celebration of freedom, not genuorsstive but from god.
Alonso Ramirez
1/17/2017 10:48:29 pm
What caught my attention was that JFK said " not a victory of part, but a celebration of freedom." He said it in such a calm way that he knew he was gonna be a great president. We never found out if he was or not because he was shot. He was so calm, he was a good man and believed in his people.
Rodrigo Huerta
1/18/2017 06:06:04 am
What I enjoy was the little bit at the end where they talk about the people who are foolishly riding the tiger winded it up inside. which I feel like means that the people who control those colonies before thought they could get away with anything they wanted but then they wond Up Inside which means usa went over there and took over. I felt like the speech had a great impact talking about how they were going to bring about a new age for America
Melina Delgado
1/18/2017 09:10:36 am
What stood out the most to me in Kennedy's speech is that he directed the speech individually which seemed to make the speech even more dramatic and serious. I really like how he seems to give citizens hope of the new generation and his time as president.
Jose Estrada
1/18/2017 09:13:55 am
What stood out to me the most about Kennedy's speech is when he said "united there is little we can not do". This stood out to me because i agree with what he is saying. United we stand, divided we fall.
Lindsay Griffin
1/18/2017 09:16:38 am
The line, "We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution" really resonates with me because it sounds truly inspiring. It made it sound like with his presidency, we could be as great as our founding fathers, as we all share that common ancestry. The whole speech makes you consider the past that made us the nation we are today.
Adrian C. Monroy
1/18/2017 10:13:35 am
What stood out to me, was when he said " the torch has been passed, to a new generation of Americans," . Its on how he want's to end poverty in one go. He believed that this set of Americans could be the ones ready for change.
jacob flynn
1/18/2017 10:16:30 am
What caught my attention the most of this speech was his charismatic style of talking. Kennedy gives people hope no matter what he is talking about solely on the fact that he is so energetic.
angelica pace
1/18/2017 10:24:22 am
The part in JFK's speech that stands out the most to me was when he said "Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans." Its like he is just saying tell the world that the people of now are strong and it is giving people hope.
tristan hantsche
1/18/2017 10:30:02 am
''Generosity comes to men, not from the state but from the hand of god.'' Kennedy was a christian man which is to me very important in order to run the unites states correctly. This man is ambitious and full of love for the citizens, which brings hope.
Andres Sanchez
1/18/2017 11:42:59 am
What stood out the most to me in Kennedy's speech was when he talked of passing the torch to next generations. We as a generation need to appreciate everything past generations have done for this country and keep working to make this country better.
Kathryn Jennings
1/18/2017 01:46:12 pm
The part where Kennedy says it is not only the end but also a new beginning is what stands out to me the most. Everything has an end but once something ends, there is a new beginning. This resonates with me personally because good or bad, once something ends, there is always something new to come.
Angelica Mendenhall
1/18/2017 04:44:49 pm
I resonate with how he talks about how we must accept renewal and change as a country. This shows how changes are expected in life and how he has plans to change America and help us and our state of being in that time period. There is always new beginnings and change will always be present, and it is up to us to make it a good change.
Austin White
1/18/2017 05:47:47 pm
President Kennedy spoke to the american people of moving forward and carrying on to the new generation. The strongest part of of his speech is when he refers to the passing of the torch. In this section of his speech he means to implore the people to achieve their ambitions as well as respecting the generation of the past.
Tanner Dunn
1/18/2017 06:31:56 pm
President Kennedy's speech was directed at both the old and new generations. He emphasized the importance of "passing the torch" on to the new generations, learning from the mistakes of the old and carrying on with the new. Kennedy's speech, as a result, helped in progressing America and moving forward into the new age.
Abby Bankston
1/18/2017 07:33:42 pm
President Kennedy's speech stood out because it was directed at every generation. He puts emphasis on passing the torch to the new generations. He is optimistic in the new generation learning from the old mistakes.
Ede Angel
1/18/2017 08:29:24 pm
The thing that stood out to me about JFK's speech is the way that he presented himself and the tone that he had in his voice. I also think that the way he was trying to look at the positive side of things. And the way he looks towards the next generation for great things.
Kyson Chapman
1/18/2017 08:35:35 pm
A thing that really stood out to me was when he talked about passing the torch to the new generation. It gives me a great sense of trust and responsibility in my generation knowing his words still apply. It is time for us to now carry the torch.
Bryan Vazquez
1/18/2017 10:07:12 pm
The way John F. Kennedy talked sounded proffesional. He stand out on saying how he wants to make better for america. And how people felt they could trust him.
Jaila Molina
1/18/2017 10:36:41 pm
" ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. " Is the most inspirational line in JFK's inaugural address speech. Means to stand up as one another and help our country, to become a better place to live and to have a good look out on the future.
Jesse Borrero
1/18/2017 10:37:52 pm
A part of the speech that stood out to me was when he said, " let every nation know we shall pay any price, bare any burden, support any friend, oppose any foes to ensure the survival and the success of liberty." This stood out because of the pauses he made and his dictation. This was important because it showed he was willing to do anything to keep America safe.
Aldo Ramirez
1/18/2017 10:42:21 pm
He speaks about going forward and making progress at home the united states and wanting the people to believe and get out and help the country like saying ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Also he speaks in a very confident way that makes you pay attention and listen to the words he has to say
Abigal Villanueva
1/18/2017 11:15:15 pm
In John F. Kennedy speech the part that stood out the most to me is when he is comparing the new generation to the past generation. "Passing the torch",passing the torch symbolizes the mistakes the past generations made and how the new generation should learn from them and carry on with the good.
Shadrian Rosser
1/18/2017 11:35:47 pm
What stood out for me is when Kennedy said the world is different now that to demolish human poverty and all forms of human light, thats it up to the nation to end it. And thats its an issue not only in the U.S., but also around the globe. And it still holds a weight on todays reality in the 21st century. .
Hugo Espinoza
1/18/2017 11:46:52 pm
The part that stood out the most for me was when he talked about "the belief that the rights of men come not from the generosity of the state but the hand of God" i just really caught my attention. And im pretty sure there was multiple reasons for him to say those words. It also expresses his beliefs.
Jayla Goodman
1/19/2017 12:49:10 am
The part of JFK's speech that resonated with me was when he spoke of passing on the torch to the next generation. Many times you will hear people talk down on our generation, failing to realize that we our their future and if they wish to have a good one they should be helping us grow. Our generation is filled with some of the most intelligent people to ever exist with very big plans for the future, but it can only happen if we are given the right tools and passed the torch.
Mikayela Dzenowski
1/19/2017 09:26:16 am
What stood out to me in Kennedy's speech was his words about passing the torch. Thus meaning on to new generations and how we are the future and we make the future through the actions we do now. It truly stood out to me that he spoke about how our future generations will carry us.
Nathanial Eason
1/19/2017 09:33:37 am
"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans." This quote stood out to me mostly because of the way he presented. There was no uncertainty is his claim, just a fiery passion that carried over the crowd.
Liliana Porras
1/27/2017 02:55:00 pm
I agree with you that he seemed very certain of his claim. This is a good thing because it reassures the crowd of their safety and pride.
Krystina Marquez
1/19/2017 11:23:02 am
The part that stood out to me from his speech was when he said "unwilling to witness or permit a slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed". It stood out to me because to me it means to not repeat the past and continue to make change.
Lailee Bayatfar
1/19/2017 09:24:53 pm
What stood out to me was the fact that Kennedy accepted the limitations of his own powers as head of the executive branch by attributing his power to the American people. Kennedy, challenging his audience to determine their own future, urges Americans to "ask not what your country can do for you" but what "you can do for your country".
Kiera Jones
1/20/2017 10:33:02 pm
What popped out the most to me was when president Kennedy's speech was when he talked of passing the torch to next generations. We as a generation need to learn to be one and not tear each other down because as we come up we our the future of this world no matter who the president is the kids growing are the future of the world. So build the each other up not tear each other down.
Liliana Porras
1/27/2017 02:52:27 pm
As all inauguration speeches are meant to be inspiring, this one seems to reach out to a new generation. I think that is highly important since this is a process that will continue no matter what. It is important for our country to continue to grow with us.
Jada Zavala
3/6/2017 10:35:57 am
ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. " Is the most inspirational line in JFK's inaugural address speech. Means to stand up as one another and help our country, to become a better place to live and to have a good look out on the future
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AuthorThe journals posted are for use by Mr. Dickson's professional communication classes to assist students on their journey. ArchivesCategories |