Sometimes events occur that are out of your control. You might wonder, "Why is this happening to me?" or "What did I do to cause this?" Write about a recent situation in which you felt like things were out of your control. How did you react?
Nick Hoover
1/9/2017 08:26:35 am
A recent situation where things felt out of control, was the death of a close family friend. We received word that our fiend had a fatal heart attack. There was nothing anyone could do, and I felt completely powerless. Instead of getting depressed, however i decided to accept I couldn't do anything and cherish the memories I have with them.
Alonso Ramirez
1/9/2017 09:21:53 am
A situation that I have felt out of control was, the fact that in a game we were tied zero. Right when the first half was about to end i let the ball go through my legs. I felt out of control of the situation, but I guess it means that I was just gonna get better in my own ways.
Kyson Chapman
1/9/2017 09:25:47 am
I feel things were really out of my control during a basketball game I had this weekend. I hurt my ankle and had to sit out half way through, and we ended up losing the game. I felt like things were out of my control because i couldn't do anything to stop us from losing. I didn't react to dramatically cause it was just a game, but i did have a minor sense of hopelessness.
Haley West
1/9/2017 10:12:12 am
I feel things were really out control during last summer when my dad got throat cancer,I feel like things were out my control because I really didn't know what was going to happen to him.
tanner dyer
1/9/2017 10:31:28 am
On Friday during the bad weather day my dad came and picked me up. We had to go to Kroger after he came and got me so on the way we slid on the ice. And i got a little scared. but everything ended up fine.
Eduardo Villarreal lalo
1/9/2017 10:42:25 am
one time when things got out of control was when the main chick caught me with the side. she was wondering why domioes was texting me at 1 in the morning. i just handle the situation and threw my phone "on accident" to break it. i was good after that.
Austin White
1/9/2017 08:01:15 pm
In the snow while driving home I had to stop in a hill at a red light. Having a 2 wheel pick up it was very difficult after coming to a complete stop to get traction to move through the intersection. After struggling trying to get any grip to move out of the way I started sliding to the side, fortunately coming to a stop on the side of the road. In this instant i was out of control of my car and had to work hard to regain control.
Angelica Mendenhall
1/10/2017 09:37:01 am
There are many points in time where one may lose control and not realize it. You phrase your question as if it has to be a difficult situation that we find our self in and must grow or rise up to the challenge presented to us. Most events that happen to me I go along with because I know there isn't anything I could do about it. It is better to live your life enjoying yourself rather then fighting against the currents of time and life. In the end we are all going to meet our end, so I rather live without regrets and enjoy what I have, when I have it before lady fortune shines her light on me and takes it all away.
Jayla Goodman
1/10/2017 09:40:23 am
Recently I was in a wreck for the first time. It turned out to be the other persons fault for running a red light. Although I was in control of my car and did everything right, I could not control their car too.
Shadrian Rosser
1/10/2017 09:45:42 am
During Thanksgiving break I had to work on Thanksgiving and at first when I got there it was slow, but then out of no where it started to get busy. The drive thru and the front was pact with customers because people were out for Black Friday. The whole time I was thinking why was this happening to me and why cant they go home and eat left overs. How I react was I started moving faster to get my orders out and help the people I worked with. But I had to stay until 3 in the mourning, because it never ended.
Lailee Bayatfar
1/10/2017 10:45:36 am
I used to work for a manager that was pretty hot-headed and when in a stressful situation he would raise his voice when faced with the pressure of the job. I got upset the first couple of times and then I decided to talk to him about it. I empathized with the stress he was under and suggested that he communicated his expectations clearly to me. This sorted out any issues and dealt with any problems we would've had in the workplace.
Liliana Porras
1/11/2017 10:38:29 am
My sister was in a very similar situation so i know that it really sucks. I think you handled it in a good way and talking to him calmly was the best choice.
Tanner Dunn
1/10/2017 10:51:53 am
Recently I felt like things were out of my control when I sent in my college application. However, after waiting and eventually being accepted, I was challenged with applying for scholarships. It was a very intimidating situation, requiring a lot of work for an unsure result. Lately, I have decided to tackle the situation and put forth my best effort. Hopefully it turns out well!
Rodrigo Huerta
1/10/2017 12:40:38 pm
When my sister went to mexico out of the blue which i guess i can understand why because she finally got permission to go to mexico after also 5 months of waiting. I tired to tell her that i would be dumb to go there right now but she wouldn't have it and she went on her marry way
Hayden Teel
1/10/2017 05:31:29 pm
A recent time where a situation was out of my control was when my family forced me to go to Illinois with them. It's a 14 hour drive and I really didn't want to go but my mom forced me to go. I didn't react openly but instead just stayed in my room until it was time to leave.
Jose Estrada
1/11/2017 09:09:53 am
One time i felt that things were out of my control was last Friday I was with a couple of friends and we were driving around. We were about to do a left turn but the wheels started sliding and there was nothing anything anyone could do to stop that from happening so we ended up crashing on a curb.
Kathryn Jennings
1/11/2017 09:20:02 am
A time I felt like an event was out of my control was at a drumline competition a few years ago. We had played the best ever had so far but we had no idea what our placement would end up being. Thinking about all the other groups that competed, it is hard to have an idea of how we would get placed. Although we felt we should place high, it was a possibility we would not. Once we got to the awards ceremony, I was watching everyone else and I could just feel the excitement but also nervousness from everyone. I realized that no matter how hard we work, the placement we got was out of my control and I could do nothing about it.
1/11/2017 09:22:47 am
I recent situation where I had no control over is when I didn't have a phone for almost a whole month. My brother knocked me phone out of my hand and immediately when it hit the ground, I picked it and asked why did this have go happen to me? The phone was completely shattered and wasn't usable anymore. I was very angry at the time but I reacted to the situation well because my brother let me use is iPad for in place of my phone til I got a new one.
Kristen Gittens
1/11/2017 09:27:23 am
Abigail Villanueva
1/11/2017 09:25:36 am
On the bad weather day, my mom had called me out of school early. Due to the fact that the roads started to get slick. When I tried to stop at the stop sign my car just kept going, I kept trying to get control of my car but it just went right past the stop sign. I finally got control of my car when I pulled over to the side road.
Jaila Molina
1/11/2017 09:32:28 am
Recently my aunt passed away and it was heart breaking for my whole family. We were very close, I knew she was very ill but I didn't know she would pass away so soon. I felt sad and depressed because i realized that I would never see her again and she would get to see me graduate.
Luis Rodriguez
1/11/2017 09:39:10 am
A recent situation of when I felt things were out of control was when I sprained my ankle last Monday night. I was just walking around Herman Baker Park with a couple friends and I slipped going downhill and I twisted my right ankle. I remember thinking on the floor that we were almost at the car and this happens. I was in pain for a bit until I drove back home and woke up the next morning with a returning pain.
angelica pace
1/11/2017 10:07:56 am
A recent event that i thought was out of my control was when i broke my ankle. I went to go visit my brother and we actually had gotten into a fight and long story shot i fell the wrong way because of him and it broke.
Adrian Cm Monroy
1/11/2017 10:11:54 am
On Christmas day, I went to a party and ended up leaving around 3 a.m. that night. for the whole night I had my phone in my possession, and come to find out when I wake up, that someone had got inside my friends truck, who lives out in the country, to steal my Samsung Galaxy s7 Active and my friend's i-phone 7 plus. I said to myself, why me on Christmas day.
Mikayela Dzenowski
1/11/2017 10:15:57 am
A situation that I felt was out of my control was when one of my older rabbits who had lived a few years past his average life span got extremely sick. He was cold and shivering and I began to get worried. The next evening I went out to feed everyone and he was laying in his cage barely moving and trembling. I knew he wasn't going to make it. So I brought him inside and loved on him fora good 10 minutes and then handed him to Dilon to put out of his misery. I didn't want him to suffer any longer. It only took a second or two to break his spine. We buried him facing the barn so he could watch over the rest of the herd. As far as communication goes, he told me not with his words but with his body language what he was feeling and I could easily read it due to knowing their body language.
Liliana Porras
1/11/2017 10:35:55 am
Over the break I babysat in order to get a few extra bucks. I took care of a lady’s 3 grandkids for two days and each day was 8 to 5. On the last day her son picked up the kids and told me his mom would stop by after work to pay me. The lady is a family friend so I had no reason not to trust them. She never came that day and my mom called her the next day but she didn’t answer. At that point I felt like I didn’t have control over the situation. I was going to put that money towards last minute presents so it was important for me to get it. I started to feel stressed and wondered why it was happening since I’ve never had this problem when babysitting before. After about 3 days of calling her she finally answered and paid me, so in the end I guess it worked out anyways.
Jessenia Ricardo Rosas
1/11/2017 10:47:29 am
A situation that I felt where everything was out of my control was when I was at work and i had a customer come in to order something. I had trouble understanding the customer so I had the manager come and help me. Afterwards, I saw that the customer was getting upset and she started screaming and saying that why we were talking about her in Spanish. i didn't know what to say and the manager was explaining that we were not talking about her but she was so upset she didn't care to listen to us. That was the worst experience ive ever had with a customer.
Andres Sanchez
1/11/2017 12:12:45 pm
last month I payed mi phone bill on line but they did not process my payment correctly and they turned off my services.Then apparently my boss had called me to come to work, but my phone was tuned off so I missed the call.I went to T-Mobile and I told them that i had paid my bill online.They checked my account and saw my payment and they fixed their mistake.I talked to my boss and explained my situation,and he understood my problem.
Krystina marquez
1/11/2017 12:15:27 pm
Last week I took my dog to the park and while we were walking he somehow hurt his front right leg. It was very scary because I didn't know what to do or how to help him, and we were pretty far from my car. I decided to carry him to my car, then I called my mom to meet me at the vet. It turns out he just sprained his ankle and was fine after a few days.
Josh Sevrey
1/11/2017 01:44:40 pm
One time I felt a situation was out of control was when I was called in to work on my birthday. I had put on the schedule to have that day off but since I had always been the most trustworthy employee I agreed to help them out even on my birthday because I knew they needed help.
patricia hernandez
1/11/2017 02:07:46 pm
A time i felt out of control was when i crashed my car. My friends and I had came back from a small kick back party in Lewisville and it was around 4 in the morning and my two friends had fallen asleep and i was super sleepy and i fell asleep driving and crashed my car.
Ede Angel
1/11/2017 02:57:57 pm
It was during the summer that I took the car out. I was just going to go get food because I was hungry and I also wanted to get my sister something she liked. And as I was backing up I looked at me mirrors and I didn't see anything behind me, so I started backing up and then out of nowhere I hit this white sedan. I was so confused as to what happened. But I think I did the responsible thing by calling my parents, and it did no damage to my car and the other drivers also it was more a scare than anything.
Abby Bankston
1/11/2017 08:32:56 pm
A time I felt out of control was when during my college application process. I felt out of control because after submitting everything I couldn't do anything but wait. This made me feel anxious and not in control of my future.
Lindsay Griffin
1/11/2017 10:17:15 pm
The most recent situation where I felt out of control occurred today. My boyfriend was at home sick all day and he complained all day of a throbbing pain in his head. All I could do was suggest to him what kind of medicine he could take, and I felt helpless because I just wanted him to be okay.
Jada Zavala-Davis
1/11/2017 10:58:58 pm
Last week when I was at work my cash register wasn't taking certain cards and when a lady came to my register with two basket full of groceries and when I was done scanning everything, her card got declined and I tried everything and I was like "why me?" But the guy behind her payed for her basket, so everything was fine.
Hugo Espinoza
1/11/2017 11:51:42 pm
Last friday I lost control of my car trying to make a right turn. The roads were covered with snow. I tried to slow down to turn at an intersection & my brakes locked & I my car just kept sliding but I think i handled the situation really good . I was calmed and kept pumping on the brakes and turning the steering wheel the opposite way until it finally worked .But i also got lucky that no cars were coming from the opposite lane.
Aldo Ramirez
1/12/2017 07:33:07 am
this summer i got really sick i don't know exactly how i got sick but i remember that i didn't feel good because you really cant to anything to fix it yourself you have to depend on medicine and doctors to give you the right stuff and to tell you the right thing that is wrong with you.
tristan hantsche
1/12/2017 10:09:55 am
I lost my wallet a few weeks back which is very rare for me. I was very angry cause I'm very careful were i out it and leave it. many times looking for it i thought why me, i had roughly 40 dollars in it and my debit card so i was worried.
Dilon Welch
1/12/2017 01:10:18 pm
A time that i didn't have control was last school year when my dog Romeo was killed by coyotes. I let him out to do his business like I do every morning and it was really dark outside. He walked out of my sight so I went in the house to grab a flash light so I could see him. When I came out I heard him yapping and saw a coyote jump the fence and took off with him.
Christopher Munoz
1/12/2017 05:31:29 pm
A recent situation I had no control over was when one of my close friends passed away due to choosing some negative lifestyle choices and no matter what I did to try and convince him that he could do so much better for himself. He would talk to me and listen to what o had to say and I do believe me showing my care and support was helping him turn away to the lifestyle but by the time he was serious towards improving himself was too late and this left me heart broken knowing that he was struggling both internationally and externally waging wars on himself mentally even with my support he seemed to suffer more and more by the second and the fact that I could not save him and help before losing someone forever makes me devastated and wish I could've done more
Adilene pena
1/12/2017 10:09:06 pm
A situation that I had no control over was when one of my family member was in jail about a year ago, my family member was on jail for about a month and seeing my other family members suffer made me think why did this have to happen to us
Elmer Lopez
1/13/2017 09:32:44 am
Last Friday I lost control of my car trying to make a right turn. The roads were covered with snow. It was the first time I drove when there was snow on the street. I lost control and I was very afraid, I thought positive to get out of the situation.
Melina Delgado
1/13/2017 09:41:35 am
I felt out of control when I was first told that my grandma had cancer. I felt helpless in the situation that all I wanted to was help. I slowly accepted the fact that there wasn't much we could do.
Jesse Borrero
1/13/2017 10:11:37 am
Last year I preformed at the school's talent show which me and my friend rehearsed for weeks on. I was going to play a song on the guitar. I had the priority of not messing up on my mind that I figured nothing else could go wrong. We started the song and the amp I used gave off a static sound throughout the entire song and when we were done, I thought to myself " If only I would've waited, we could've adjusted the amp". I now know better about patience.
jacob flynn
1/17/2017 10:30:23 am
a few years ago my mom invited a guy to my house to help her clean out our garage and yard. he was a recovering drug addict so she felt bad for him. i felt very unsafe being around him and i asked my parents multiple times to make him leave because he was a dangerous thief. Eventually he stole hundreds of dollars worth of stuff from us and we caught him and he went to jail. i was right in the end but for months i couldn't control him being there.
Wendy Ramírez
1/18/2017 03:37:31 pm
A time that I felt that things were out of control was when my aunt and I where with my mom during her delivery. Things were very crazy everyone was nervous we were all excited wanting to see the cute little baby boy. My aunt and I had no idea on how to react when we saw the baby.
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AuthorThe journals posted are for use by Mr. Dickson's professional communication classes to assist students on their journey. ArchivesCategories |