Watch the video below. What is your reaction? What are you personally motivated to do as a result of watching the video? How can you use the information in this video to assist you as you progress toward your goals? (Note: Follow the link to the video on YouTube once you click on the video below).
Heather Hinkley
9/13/2016 01:56:43 pm
I found it surprising how small the victory margins are in different sports. I more motivated now after watching the video to go after what I want to do in life. The information in the video will help me in getting to my goals because this video reminded me that it takes more effort if you really want to accomplish your goals.
Brett Wilson
9/13/2016 07:35:25 pm
The victory margins were so small that surprise me as well for different sports. And the will help others to.
Cade Rowland
9/13/2016 07:54:03 pm
Yes, it's good to do what you want in life because it's your life and no one else's.
Maria Rodriguez
9/13/2016 08:50:56 pm
I'm glad you are motivated to go after what you want in life, even though it may be tough keep in mind hard work pays off. Always do what's best for you and accomplish every goal you have in mind.
Tristen vansant
9/13/2016 09:25:07 pm
yeah it was kinda like a wake up call. A little reminder that only good things come out of that extra degree.
Sincere Mosley
9/18/2016 03:11:37 pm
I agree with you that's exactly what I got out of the video
Dylan Osborne
9/13/2016 10:19:15 pm
Heather, victories do come in small margins as the video showed us that major tournaments are won by less than 3 strokes. Motivation is key in succeeding anything you put your mind to.
Faith Lucas
9/13/2016 10:39:43 pm
I found it extremely interesting how small the margin of victory is! It really made me think about how if you don't put all of your effort into something, you are less likely to succeed.
Jesse Meraz
9/13/2016 10:42:11 pm
I too found it surprising how close the victory differences were and more importantly the reward differences between the two. It motivates me to know how close I am to the next level of an accomplishment.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/13/2016 11:37:24 pm
The victory margins is something I too found very interesting. Who would've thought that the difference between winning and losing was so small. Its encouraged me to work harder for what i want.
Tanner Holt
9/14/2016 08:05:15 am
I was really surprised that the victory margins weren't bigger. But it goes to show that when you work harder it shows.
Sincere Mosley
9/18/2016 03:10:51 pm
Yeah the margin betweening winning and losing was really small so I also found that interesting.
Brett Wilson
9/13/2016 07:33:45 pm
This video move me I now want to do something that I have never done and accomplish those goals. And the victory margin are small. The video will also help others to accomplish their goals as well.
Heather Hinkley
9/13/2016 07:49:21 pm
Brett, that's awesome that the video moved you to do something that you've never tried!!! I also agree that it will help people to see how small the victory margins are!
Cade Rowland
9/13/2016 07:53:20 pm
Yes I agree, I want to do stuff I've never done or thought about doing.
Jemyri Hull
9/13/2016 08:15:25 pm
The video made some good points. People should try really hard to accomplish their goals.
anazzsa williams
9/13/2016 09:20:44 pm
yes, the video is very influential and it could help others want to work harder for what they want.
Cade Rowland
9/13/2016 07:52:42 pm
I was surprised about how close the margin is and how big one simple step can be to being the winning margin. The video inspired me to push for the margin and to make a difference. I don't want to be the losing margin but the winning one.
Brett Wilson
9/13/2016 08:05:18 pm
Yeah I would to be in the margin and that is awesome that it inspired you push for the margin.
Jemyri Hull
9/13/2016 08:20:42 pm
It's crazy how little of a difference it is from winning and losing. Even if you push your hardest at something, someone could counteract with an even bigger push and prevail.
Marcos Salazar
9/13/2016 09:12:03 pm
That small margin was due to a small step, I agree. I am sure it will encourage everyone to make a difference.
Tristen vansant
9/13/2016 09:23:10 pm
We can push harder in soccer Cade. Then we can really be the positive margin!
Faith Lucas
9/13/2016 10:42:40 pm
The margins being so close means that you have to push harder to be in the winning margin just like you said. I think that if you really put in the effort and you have confidence, you will succeed! Being in the winning margin is definitely worth putting in the extra effort!
Jesse Meraz
9/13/2016 10:43:58 pm
The video also inspired me to push that one step further than everyone else. I realized how bad I want to be in the winning margin and not the losing one like you said.
Heather Hinkley
9/14/2016 07:31:18 am
Cade, I also want to be in the winning margin. Also it is awesome that the video pushed you to make a difference.
Tanner Holt
9/14/2016 08:03:30 am
One step could change your life. You could either win or lose. But you will never know what you best is if you don't give all the effort.
9/14/2016 04:02:43 pm
The margins were small but all in all it did motivate me to go after what I want. And it does make sense that you would want to be in the winning margin, I mean who wouldn't right?
Jemyri Hull
9/13/2016 08:14:05 pm
I guess it inspires me to push the extra mile to accomplish something. When it comes to what you want in life, I'm sure you would always do that. Because like the video said, there's a small margin between being good and being great.
Maria Rodriguez
9/13/2016 08:54:51 pm
You're right the margin between being good and being great is very small and in order to be great you have to give it your best. It's always good to push yourself and make an effort to accomplish what you want in life.
Alec Hou
9/13/2016 11:42:02 pm
Jemyri, I agree that there's a small margin between being good and being great. It's just like sports. There's that one player who's great because he has a good work ethic and puts in that extra effort. Then there's that other player that could better but doesn't put it the effort.
Gabriel Kurth
9/14/2016 07:45:14 am
Going the extra mile requires a conscious effort. I believe we are all capable of making anything we do a success over time.
Maria Rodriguez
9/13/2016 08:45:06 pm
While watching this video a lot of things were going through my head, first of all it made me realize how many things we are able to accomplish and we don't because of the lack of perseverance we have. It also surprised me how much of an impact the smallest things can have on such big projects. This video really inspired me to take that extra step from now on, and try even harder when it comes to achieving my goals.
Marcos Salazar
9/13/2016 09:10:31 pm
Yes, the smallest things in life are the ones that grow to big projects. The video also made me realize to take an extra step on any task.
anazzsa williams
9/13/2016 09:26:34 pm
Its a amazing to know in the video that if the second placed opponents just would've pushed a little bit harder, they could've been the ones to accomplish there goals.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/13/2016 11:43:39 pm
It was indeed very eyeopening to see that most of the things we want are so close to us. However our lack of faith in ourselves prevents us from doing so. I too have decided to take the extra step because that extra step is what could make the difference between success and failure.
Roxanne Lane
9/15/2016 10:12:53 am
I also think it's crazy how little the difference is between the winner and loser. I think from this we learned that must always give 110%.
Marcos Salazar
9/13/2016 09:09:04 pm
The was interesting. It showed me the slightest difference one single degree can make. It made me realize to give it my all, to try harder on every task there is. I usually don't think of the future for me, but at points, the video made me realize that with the slightest difference, anyone can achieve what they can and want.
Pedro Salvador
9/13/2016 10:52:09 pm
I believe in you Marcos just give it your all and you'll be successful in life.
Roxanne Lane
9/15/2016 10:13:42 am
I believe if you believe!!! Keep pushing towards your goal.
anazzsa williams
9/13/2016 09:16:02 pm
Its fascinating how you never know what could happen if you just go that extra mile, it could change your life. This video inspires me to take risks and take that extra step.
Pedro Salvador
9/13/2016 10:51:36 pm
I agree with you. Because if you keep on fighting you would fine the ending point and be successful.
Tristen vansant
9/13/2016 09:22:02 pm
This video was inspiring to watch. I feel like I can do all the things I want to if I just set my mind to it. The information showed me that just giving that little extra bit of effort can go a long way and lead me in the direction I want to be in.
Dylan Osborne
9/13/2016 10:15:56 pm
Tristen, I understand the feeling that you present in the reply you gave. I feel like I can do anything I put my mind into.
9/14/2016 06:15:12 am
You can do anything yiu set your mind to. Am you have to do is get up abd go do it.
Dylan Osborne
9/13/2016 10:14:42 pm
My reaction to this video was that it gave me a sense of motivation and as well as inspiration. The video showed me that if I put just a bit more effort that I can accomplish anything that comes my way. I can use this information to achieve my goal of getting the team of 5 to Regionals in golf this year hopefully to state. A personal goal is to shoot in the 80's in golf as well.
Alec Hou
9/13/2016 11:38:21 pm
Dylan, I agree that if we put a bit more effort, we can accomplish anything. If we don't give it our all, why should we even try? It's better to leave it all out on the course, court, etc. Good luck on your goal in golf!
9/14/2016 06:18:11 am
Practice makes perfect man. I personally suck at golf. But if you write hard and practice as much as you can yiu can shave off a lot of strokes.
Alejandra Leon
9/14/2016 08:40:06 am
With the motivation of the video and your teammates I'm sure you will!!
Faith Lucas
9/13/2016 10:33:56 pm
I've never thought about how small the margin is between winning and losing. I think that the video is trying to motivate people to work harder at what they do to ensure that they achieve their goals. Although it doesn't outright say it in the video, I also believe that the video is trying to convey that almost is never enough. You have to work hard if you want to succeed in life.
Emily Baker
9/14/2016 09:43:08 am
Faith, I agree the video is trying to motivate people to work harder at what they do to ensure that they achieve their goals. Life isn't easy it does require work especially when we really desire something that's when we should work are hardest.
Jesse Meraz
9/13/2016 10:39:22 pm
My reaction to the video was one of motivation and encouragement. Knowing that some of my goals and aspirations in life require just a little bit more effort, motivates me to try my hardest at everything. On a personal level, the video just motivated me to try my hardest everyday all the time, and to stay focused on my goals. The information in the video, the statistics, can assist me in accomplishing my goals by helping me think mathematically how close I am to accomplishing my goals and the difference between the two outcomes.
Pedro Salvador
9/13/2016 10:50:29 pm
This video help me motivate my self. Because the finish line can be close to were you quit but we give up to each other. It helped me motivate my self to reach my goals in life no Matter how far the finish line is.
Gabriel Kurth
9/14/2016 07:49:08 am
I like your reference to a finish line, because a lot of people don't even try to see that far ahead. I agree that a lot of people give up right at the end.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/13/2016 11:34:52 pm
As I watched the video I felt a new wave of encouragement. It was very surprising and eyeopening to see that everything we want is just within our grasp, literally. The victory margins were so small almost non existent that it has encouraged me to keep working towards my goal. For all i know my "victory" could be a couple seconds, moments or steps away from me.
Eric Richard
9/14/2016 06:38:56 am
I believe that everything we want is already in are grasp. Even so what are we doing to run that extra mile.
Alec Hou
9/13/2016 11:34:59 pm
My reaction is that this video shows people that it takes an extra effort to accomplish that one goal. It shows us that people shouldn't quit when you're that close to the finish line. I can use this information to progress myself and to give that extra effort for a good outcome.
Eric Richard
9/14/2016 06:41:55 am
To me without failure their would be know growth. To see failure is to realize that their is success behind it.
Zach Condo
9/14/2016 06:13:24 am
I found it surprising at how little the margin of error is for some things. As a result of this video. I'm goin to get out of bed abd make the best out of today and see where it takes me tomorrow it will Aust me in my goals because I've seen how little distance there is between getting what you want (first place) and not getting it (second place) and I want to be in first place.
J'Taija Hunter
9/14/2016 07:53:46 am
Making the best of today will make the rest of your days better. You will soon accomplish your goals.
9/14/2016 04:05:52 pm
I believe that everyone should want to be in the winning margin. Not everyone get up and goes out after it though. When you don't go and make the best of what your given than you'll never get where you want to be in life.
Eric Richard
9/14/2016 06:34:09 am
It inspires me even more for what I want. I loved everything the video had said. It made me think that for me am going to go and do things know one has done before.
J'Taija Hunter
9/14/2016 07:51:51 am
I was also inspired to go after what i want. This video was cery encouraging.
J'Taija Hunter
9/14/2016 07:15:47 am
This video has motivated me to go do something i've never did before. The small margin was a surprise to me, but it was inspirational. The video has encouraged me and will help me go for my goals and accomplish whatever.
Alejandra Leon
9/14/2016 08:44:09 am
Trying new things is always a good idea. I'm glad that it motivated you to go for your goals and accomplish them b
Gabriel Kurth
9/14/2016 07:41:22 am
I was interested to know the science behind the message. The video inspired me to always push for the extra mile. This video will help me progress because it is a reminder that I should never settle for anything else than my very best in life.
Danny mills
9/15/2016 08:23:39 am
Its agreeable. This video was very helpful in the since of giving someone that extra shove.
Justin Morrison
9/26/2016 12:50:23 pm
The science behind this is very awesome. It pushed me to go the extra mile aswell, made me want to be better and not settle for anything less
Tanner Holt
9/14/2016 08:01:43 am
The margins of victory were a lot smaller then what I though. But because they are so small it makes winning even better. I realized that you can work as hard as you want but if someone else is working a degree harder than you they will most likely win.
Alejandra Leon
9/14/2016 08:05:27 am
This video inspired me to work a little harder to reach the winning margin. It's surprising how much so so little can make the difference. This video is helps us to remember to never give up.
Emily Baker
9/14/2016 09:40:30 am
Alejandra, yes i agree, this video helps us to remember to never give up. We should NEVER GIVE UP no matter the circumstances or how hard it gets or seems their will always be hope and light at the end which is a good reason to NEVER GIVE UP.
Emily Baker
9/14/2016 09:37:43 am
The video awakened my heart and made me want to get motivated. The video really made me want to go out and change the world and make a spiritual impact on it. I can use this video by letting the message of the video push me further to reach my dreams and goals.
Makayla Besherse
9/14/2016 09:50:56 am
The video made me realize how much one second can be the difference between winning and losing. It just makes me feel like that the small things are very important. Even if one second doesn't seem like it would be significant one small second can be the difference between wining and losing.
Josh schnitker
9/19/2016 09:04:44 am
That's true the little things are the biggest difference makers when it comes to winning and losing
9/14/2016 04:10:14 pm
I believe that everything you do takes a certain degrees of effort, and if you don't put fourth that required effort than most likely you wont be in that winning margin. I personally was surprised at the difference between the margins. It sorta made sense but at the same time it threw me off. All that I'm 100% sure about is that I will not be the one that is in second, I will put fourth that required effort and get where I believe I qant and deserve to be.
Danny Mills
9/15/2016 08:22:23 am
The video is very inspirational, and helps you figure out how to achieve the goal you need to achieve. It's one of those, "Yes you can." Kind of things with out ever really saying it, and sometimes i think that's what some of us really need, a push forward.
Roxanne Lane
9/15/2016 10:16:30 am
The video really inspired me to push myself more and always give 110%. Watching the video is a real wakeup call that even the smallest things make big differences. We have to know what we want and if we really want it, we will really push ourselves to get to our goal.
Justin Morrison
9/26/2016 12:47:30 pm
I'm glad you push yourself to the fullest! Everybody needs a wakeup call like this, to help push themselves to be the best they can be.
Sincere Mosley
9/18/2016 03:09:17 pm
This video made me realize how every second matters and how's there is no room for error and you have to give everything that you have.
Oscar Garcia
9/19/2016 08:13:36 am
This video made me realize that the victory margin is small and helps you figure out how to achieve the goal you need to achieve. Even if one second doesn't seem like it would be significant one small second can be the difference between wining and losing.
Josh schnitker
9/19/2016 09:02:31 am
I could use this to put more effort into the things I do. It shows that the effort you put toward a goal can determine your success
9/26/2016 12:44:12 pm
I believe that everything you do takes a certain degrees of effort. I personally was surprised at the difference between the margins. It sorta made sense but at the same time it threw me off. I'm sure that I will not be the one that is in second, I will put fourth that required effort.
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