Please read the information below as written, researched and provided by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner in The Student Leadership Challenge. Please respond to this journal by responding to the question/s below the passage.
"When students described their personal-best projects, they told of times during which they imagined an exciting, highly attractive future for their organization. Leaders are driven by their clear image of possibility and what their organization could become. Student leaders Inspire a Shared Vision by envisioning the future and enlisting others in a common vision. “I soon found myself responsible for leading all these people in a controversial program at our school that had never been attempted,” explained Kyle Ozawa. “I needed to inspire my peers with the vision I had. In order for this to work out, every one of the upperclassmen involved in the pro- gram needed to share the same vision. . . . I explained why our help was needed and how we had the ability to really make an impact on their lives. I learned that leaders are not the people who set the goals; they are the ones who help people envision them as their own.” Leaders gaze across the horizon of time, imagining the attractive opportunities that are in store when they and their constituents arrive at a distant destination. Leaders passionately believe that they can make a difference. They have a desire to make something better than it is today, change the way things are, and create something that no one else has ever produced. Yet visions seen only by leaders are insufficient to create an organized movement or a significant change in a product, let alone in an organization. A person with no constituents is not a leader, and people will not follow until they accept a vision as their own. Leaders cannot command commitment; they can only inspire it. What may begin as “my” vision emerges as “our” vision. To enlist people in a vision, leaders must get to know their constituents and learn to speak their language. Other people must believe that leaders understand their needs and have their interests at heart if they are to sign up for journeys into the future. Leaders forge a unity of purpose by showing constituents how the dream is for the common good. Leaders breathe life into visions—through vivid language and an expressive style. Their own enthusiasm and excitement are contagious and spread from the leader to constituents. Their belief in and enthusiasm for the vision are the sparks that ignite the flame of inspiration. Leaders uplift people’s spirits with an ennobling perspective about why they should strive to be better than they are today. What are you doing in your life right now to communicate you "Inspire a Shared Vision" to your fellow students across the high school campus as mentioned in the passage above? Please provide examples. How are you making Sherman High School better than it was yesterday? What would be / what is your vision for the school? Source: The Student Leadership Challenge by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner
9/8/2016 09:15:45 am
To be honest, I'm doing the only thing I know how to do. Be myself. Society can't ask much more. They can't force their ways onto me or any one else. It's up to us as a single person, to be who we are ment to be. If we try to let the world mold us then we lose that small voice that we give to inspire others.
Marcos Salazar
9/8/2016 12:08:34 pm
That is true. you can't give the world what you don't want. We can't lose our voice, its one of our great powers in that we have.
Brett Wilson
9/8/2016 02:54:31 pm
I feel that way a while back I one time let the world mold me down and thought about giving up on things.But I learned that having friends to encourage you to stay and not to give up and not to listen what other people say about you just be yourself and I am over that.
9/8/2016 06:23:01 pm
Kaitlyn yiu said that perfectly. if we let society control who we are then we'll never learn to stand up for ourselves.
Heather Hinkley
9/8/2016 09:05:01 pm
Kaitlyn, That is awesome that you can truly be you no matter where you are! Also, it is very true that if we let the world mold us into what it wants us to be then we lose who we truly are.
Roxanne Lane
9/9/2016 10:12:03 am
I completely agree with you. Many often lose themselves trying to fit in and impress others.
Sincere Mosley
9/11/2016 10:02:32 pm
Yes I completely agree. Everyone tries to get what everyone has and do what everyone else is doing and lose themselves
Tanner Holt
9/11/2016 12:51:27 pm
The best thing you can do is be yourself. Soon if you're not acting like yourself you will eventually became something you are not.
Marcos Salazar
9/8/2016 12:06:38 pm
I want to encourage everyone to have an education, its one of our human rights. I believe that for some high schools students: unfortunately, they are not sure if they should continue in school. I am not a motivational speaker but I do feel the need to motivated them into staying in school. I always joke around saying "My house is going to be better" when I see a nice house (since I want to be an architect someday). to the people I encourage, I tell them, "Your house is going to be so much better than mine. I want every human to have access to education. I feel like that is my vision.
Brett Wilson
9/8/2016 02:50:03 pm
I agree because I have a best friend that wants to leave school. I want to motivate him to stay in school and work really hard to get his education not to leave and he accomplish so much.
Pedro Salvador
9/8/2016 11:04:32 pm
I agree with you Marcos I had friends trying to drop out when their almost at the finish line but I brought them back up and made them finish their high school career.
Faith Lucas
9/8/2016 11:34:41 pm
A lot of students struggle to stay in school, and sometimes they just need a little push from somebody! It's very important to have friends that care about your education and your future, because they can help motivate you to do better. It's such a shame that there are so many people that don't even have access to education, and u agree that that's something that should change!
Danny Mills
9/9/2016 09:32:55 am
School is extremely important to everyone that's willing to try and i feel that the kids that are now seniors and that want to achieve something are going to do great things with themselves. it just takes a little push.
Roxanne Lane
9/9/2016 10:15:21 am
You said it perfectly. It's so important that we help motivate those around us and help them understand how important education is. Too many people are tearing people down, rather than building each other up!
Jesse Meraz
9/9/2016 12:19:48 am
It's a good thing to see others attempting to keep kids in school and with positive attitudes. Having access to education, I feel, is one of our unalienable rights as humans.
Cade Rowland
9/9/2016 07:36:22 am
Yes having an education is important because you can give society many things from it. Giving everyone a chance to gain it will only lead to a more successful society.
Anazzsa williams
9/9/2016 04:52:03 pm
You're soo right, I've seen people give up on there life before they even started. Its great to see that your trying to make a difference in someone elses life.
Sincere Mosley
9/11/2016 10:04:06 pm
Yeah I know a lot of people who have completely given up on school, because they don't have the support
Tanner Holt
9/11/2016 12:53:54 pm
I have known people who are thinking about dropping out and o just explain to them, what is the point, you've already come thins far.
Brett Wilson
9/8/2016 02:46:55 pm
I feel like I can do a little bit of motivation for my friends and others to stay in school and to get your education. It's just they think school is hard and they just give up all you have to do really is listen behave and be kind to others. I'm the type of person that really wants my education I do want to work really hard to get my education and not give up.
9/8/2016 06:26:38 pm
I'm with you Brett. I have a few friends that have dropped out because they didn't want to do the work. But I wish that they would have stayed because I've seen how hard it is for someone to find a job that doesn't have a diploma
Pedro Salvador
9/8/2016 11:05:10 pm
I agree with you Brent, because you motivate the team on Friday and bring us back up.
Madison Stephens
9/9/2016 07:07:45 am
I think it's a good idea you are motivating peope to go to school. Some people really need that.
Cade Rowland
9/9/2016 07:37:29 am
Yeah it's like a must to stay in school these days. If school is so hard then real life will kill them.
Anazzsa williams
9/9/2016 04:55:53 pm
I feel you'll go far in life because most people who think positive and give self motivation will be the most likely ones to successed.
Zach Condo
9/8/2016 06:29:25 pm
I try to Make everybody laughing and cheer them up. If I had to tell other students anything. It would be. Stay in school. do your work. Abd always bring headphone and a charger
Heather Hinkley
9/8/2016 09:03:08 pm
Zach, That's good that you try to make people have a better day by cheering them up. Your advice to other students is really good as well.
Marcos Salazar
9/8/2016 09:14:59 pm
Laughing is a great way to encourage anyone and everyone. Staying in school is a great way to help. For school, that is good advice.
Maria Rodriguez
9/8/2016 11:20:53 pm
Zach I like your advice and think it's a good gesture from your part to give students that motivation to stay in school and do well. You're also right about the headphones and the charger, they are much needed!
Keeping everyone in good moods is probably the best thing for this school. When kids show up down in the fumps, it could affect how they get their education.
9/9/2016 07:46:20 am
Heather Hinkley
9/8/2016 09:01:25 pm
I talk to many of my friends about what they are going to do after high school. For me, higher education is a big thing, so I try to encourage people to follow their dreams after high school whether that is going to college or doing somethings else. I am making Sherman High better than it was yesterday by encouraging people to do their best and not give up. My vision for our school would be to be a school that cares about one another and not a school that everyone just walks around, goes to class and then goes home without ever making a connection with anyone around them.
Dylan Osborne
9/8/2016 11:21:15 pm
Heather, I like what you say about making Sherman High a place to connect with one another. Also, higher education is important as well for me too.
Faith Lucas
9/8/2016 11:32:22 pm
Connections are extremely important!! In high school you make friends and learn how to be yourself and that's easiest when you're around people that you're comfortable with. I agree that we should truly care about the people we go to school with. Making connections right now could help us later in life!
Zoey Hall
9/9/2016 09:42:41 am
That is so great Heather! Encouraging students to go beyond the education of high school and go beyond what they believed they could do.
Cole Mabry
9/8/2016 09:07:55 pm
Well usually i try to inspire people to do the right thing when its needed. Like one time I overheard a couple freshman saying that they were going to prank this sophmore, the thing is they didnt know he was specially disabled. I told them that what they were thinking of doing wasn't such a good idea and they ended up not doing it. I think thats a good example cause they might not know it but they grew up just a little that day. I hope that the students eventually learn that the world doesn't revolve around them.
Zoey Hall
9/9/2016 09:46:01 am
Cole that is so great! I am so glad that you encourage people to do the right thing because that means you're doing the right thing and leading by example.
Pedro Salvador
9/8/2016 11:03:32 pm
I like to motivate my team on Friday night lights, if they score on us and I see a teammate with their head down I go running up to them and tell them to get their heads back up, because the game is not over yet. I'm making Sherman high better by trying to help teens that are not having a good day and try to get their day alittle bit better even if they just smile for a few seconds. I see Sherman high being the school we had years ago with football teams going to state and bringing the tradition back.
Maria Rodriguez
9/8/2016 11:15:58 pm
Pedro it's great for you to have that school spirit and always try to motivate your team, solidarity is a very good way to get through something. I also hope Sherman high brings the tradition back because it would get the younger students motivated to join the team.
Dylan Osborne
9/8/2016 11:25:24 pm
Pedro, I'm proud to see that you as well as others on the team are lifting up people. Honestly it's what carries a team to victory and people like are the ones to congratulate.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/9/2016 01:36:19 am
Pedro, I find it very admirable that you always try to encourage your teammates. Motivation is exactly what everyone needs. I wish you the best of luck and hope that our football team has a great season.
Maria Rodriguez
9/8/2016 11:09:12 pm
As I mentioned in the last assignment, I wanted to set a good example for younger kids. I feel I would inspire them to become a better version of themselves not only by encouraging them to become great students but by getting them to make choices that they will certainly not regret in the future. I try to persuade my nice to actually like school even though most kids her age don't. I do this by helping her out with homework and getting her to join after school clubs. My vision for the school is to get everyone involved in activities and that way we would feel a part of something and know we have each other's back as Bearcats.
Jesse Meraz
9/9/2016 12:17:26 am
It makes me happy to see someone that genuinely cares about the kids. Getting kids on the right track of life and school is a very good idea to improve this world in the future.
Alec Hou
9/9/2016 01:38:06 am
Maria, I also agree on your vision for getting everyone involved in activities because the more people involved, the more they will stay intact. It's great that you want to be a good example for younger kids so they can have someone to look up to!
Dylan Osborne
9/8/2016 11:18:57 pm
The way I communicate "Inspire a Shared Vision" is by showing students whether it be on the golf team I participate in or the school in general my job is to make at least someone's day better may it be a student or a teacher. An example is that one day a fellow colleague of mine was not having such a good day and I asked him what was up, and he said something was going on in his family. I proceeded to tel, him that it was going to get figured out and that everything would be fine. I'm making Sherman High a better place than it was yesterday by just setting a positive influence for the people around and showing them that they can live a great life and make good choices. My vision is for the school to continue to grow and be as great as it once was.
Faith Lucas
9/8/2016 11:29:18 pm
Motivation starts with yourself, and I strive to do great things everyday. I then try to motivate my friends and help them understand that the educational and social environment of school is very important. High school is where you find yourself, so self-motivation and understanding is definitely important when trying to change the school as a whole. Change is like a chain-reaction. You never know who you are influencing with your everyday decisions. My goal for the school is that we learn to lift each other up and help each other get to our destinations rather than bringing each other down.
Justin Morrison
9/9/2016 07:09:55 am
This is so true, you start to find yourself in high school. It sucks that some people don't have the things needed to change the school though. It's also true that we effect people with all of our decisions
Jesse Meraz
9/9/2016 12:13:45 am
In my life at the moment I am communicating to my fellow classmates that I am inspiring a vision through my actions. The vision I try to inspire in others and spread is that of love. It's completely unnecessary for there to be so much negativity in this world. An example of me trying to spread this vision is I was speaking to a friend of mine on Tuesday, and he asked me, "How do you see the future?", I replied to him, "A world of positivity, love, and happiness". He took my vision into consideration and told me that I described the perfect world, but there will never be such a thing. I'm trying to make Sherman High School better than it was the day before by only giving off positive vibes. To not think negatively about any aspect of school. And to try to get other students to think this way. My vision for the school is for anyone to be able to attend and feel like they belong, to feel like they are liked by others around them.
Alejandra Leon
9/9/2016 08:18:38 am
Love is something precious. The best things in life are free and love is one of the best things. It's great that you want our world to be like that.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/9/2016 01:32:49 am
Encouraging others is very important especially at this age. It's very easy for teenagers to lose motivation during their Highschool career which is why I always strive to encourage others. I try to motivate my friends to apply themselves in school and for them to challenge themselves in order to become better people. My vision for the Highschool is that we all learn to accept each other and we all learn to motivate one another to achieve our goals. Ultimately, i wish we would all work together for the greater good.
Alec Hou
9/9/2016 01:41:22 am
Giselle, I agree it's very easy for teenagers to lose motivation because they just start getting tired of doing the work or lazy. I'm glad you try to motivate and encourage others to be better people.
Alec Hou
9/9/2016 01:33:48 am
In my life, communicating to people about "Inspiring a Shared Vision" is when I try to be a influence on younger kids/students. I try to be a role model for the youth so they can grow up to be the best person they can be. For example, whenever I visit my old school, I try to interact with the kids not just because I love to but I want to be a person they can model themselves after when they get older I'm making Sherman High School better than it was yesterday by being the best student I can be. My vision for the school is for future students that are going to attend should just be yourself, do your work, and always stay on task.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/9/2016 01:41:29 am
Alec I think it's incredible that you try to be a role model for the younger kids. It's rare to see someone who honestly cares for the next generation nowadays.
Justin Morrison
9/9/2016 07:05:52 am
It's pretty great that you can be a role model for the youth without second guessing yourself. I myself feel like a bad leader or role model so i don't think I'd do a great job.
Eric Richard
9/9/2016 07:52:57 am
the cool part about kids is that their not exposed to the world of fear a negativity. No one telling them who can or can't be because i believe that many adults forgot that belief is everything.
Justin Morrison
9/9/2016 07:03:54 am
Honestly I'm just being myself and I never try to be anything else. I'd hope this gives other students in the campus their confidence to be themselves as well. I don't really know how it makes sherman high school better, other than building my fellow in peers confidence.
Madison Stephens
9/9/2016 07:12:14 am
Being yourself is all you can do really. I think people should be able to be themselves all the time .
Jemyri Hull
9/9/2016 07:42:59 am
Being someone your not could get you into situations that don't usually happen to you. So just being yourself and only yourself is great.
Eric Richard
9/9/2016 07:55:59 am
Helping others become the best they can be is inspiring.
Madison Stephens
9/9/2016 07:10:46 am
I like to motivate people by putting them in a good mood. It's hard for someone to do thing if they not happy about it. So I hype them up and get them in a great mood. I feel like making peoples moods go from thumbs down to thumbs up will change the people's view on a lot of things and having more great days.
Alejandra Leon
9/9/2016 08:14:23 am
Making people happy is a great thing to do. Everyone needs a boost once in awhile.
Cade Rowland
9/9/2016 07:33:35 am
Like a journal in the past I was to show an example for younger students at Sherman high school. In soccer it's about being better than last year and having. Motivating people give them more confidence within themselves to be who they really are. You've got to be a role model for younger and even older people to follow and be the leader that people need in their lives.
Lindsay Goff
9/9/2016 09:31:34 am
This is a great way to look at being in the leadership position. To you, age doesn't matter, as long as you can teach someone something new, and possibly improve their life.
Jemyri Hull
9/9/2016 07:39:35 am
I guess just coming to school, and getting an education in general is the "shared vision" for us. Some people don't even do that so their future's not looking good for them. My vision for the school would probably be to get another building. One that can hold all the kids that attend here.
Danny Mills
9/9/2016 09:30:51 am
I agree with you. Just being here and trying to figure out who we're going to be at this age is an accomplishment all on its own.
Eric richard
9/9/2016 07:48:20 am
To be honest nothing but something i will inspire the world one day when the time is right. i want to create a world were the sky is not the limit because by the time am done people won't believe in limits. A world were everyone knows who they are because a world of limitless potential is a world i and many others can get use too. i will inspire one day but not now.
Alejandra Leon
9/9/2016 08:09:48 am
A vision I wish to inspire is a place where everyone in my senior class strived to be something great in life. Not just that, I wish they would strive to be truly happy with themselves and the world they live in. I don't think I get this message across just yet, but hopefully one day I will.
Lindsay Goff
9/9/2016 09:33:19 am
It's great that you want to inspire your friends and peers to do something great with their lives. No job or opportunity is too small. Keep it up and you're sure to make a difference for our class of '17.
Danny Mills
9/9/2016 09:29:34 am
The vision of the school i want? I'm pretty much content with how school is right now. Being a senior i think that Ive just stuck through it and accepted hat school is how it's going to be. And that doesn't disappoint me. I wouldn't change it even if i could.
Lindsay Goff
9/9/2016 09:30:00 am
At this point in school, I'm just another senior trying to make it to graduation, but I think it's important to inspire my other senior friends to keep trying too. When you get to this level, all you really think about is, "when will this be over? Only another 154 more days right?" But as a leader to my friends and peers, I can motivate others to keep going and push themselves to be their very best before this year is up. To my underclassman, my goal is to build up the hype for their own senior year.
Makayla Besherse
9/10/2016 12:08:12 pm
Even if I'm not feeling so positive about school or having a bad day I still try to build up hype for the underclassmen too.
Zoey Hall
9/9/2016 09:49:22 am
Right now being a senior one thing that I try to do is to encourage younger students to try their best in every class. This is because their GPA will matter when they go off to college. Being a leader doesn't take much, but if you are a leader you have to lead by example. Don't expect anyone to do anything for you and strive to be the best you can be.
Roxanne Lane
9/9/2016 10:23:10 am
With all the negativity going on around the world, I think it's so important that we realize how lucky we are and find happiness and satisfaction in the things that we may take for granted. Living in the United States, we are much more privileged than many around the world. I really aim to be a positive influence to everyone around me. I am helping make Sherman High better than before, by pushing our school spirit higher than ever before. I really think this school year is going so much better than past years, with the help of the new principal, football coach, etc. I really hope that everyone can find pride in going SHS and stay excited and upbeat throughout the school year.
Anazzsa williams
9/9/2016 05:05:08 pm
I try to stay positive and give out complaments to people who I think that needs them more. Tell someone they're worth it and that they can be so much more in life and that they can be whoever they want in life, they just have to want it and be able to strive for the type of success that they want.
Makayla Besherse
9/10/2016 12:06:23 pm
I always try to give one person I don't know a complement everyday. I think it really makes someones day when you go out of your way to tell them something positive, even if it's just something small.
Makayla Besherse
9/10/2016 12:05:12 pm
I think it would be really great if students had a better attitude about school, especially lower classmen. If so many people didn't come to school thinking it's going to be a bad day just because you're at school, I think our high school would have a more positive atmosphere. Anytime lower classmen tell me how much they hate school or ask me how being a senior is, I always tell them that it's awesome, and so much better than all the other years, just so they can have hope for the future and they can look forward to something that isn't so bad.
Tanner Holt
9/11/2016 12:49:56 pm
I try to encourage people to do what makes them happy. I feel like if I can help at least one person then I have done some thing good. Once you help someone achieve what they want it makes you feel so much better about yourself.
Sincere Mosley
9/11/2016 10:08:33 pm
I motivate my team when things get a little rough that football is a game won by momentum and we're just a couple plays from a comback and a victory. I'm making Sherman high better by making sure people fit in for example if I see someone at lunch that looks lost or dosent have anyone, I invite them to our table
Josh schnitker
9/12/2016 09:08:27 am
I also lead the football team on varsity and help those few lost kids I see during the day
Josh schnitker
9/12/2016 09:06:23 am
In my life currently I share the vision of being a brotherhood on the football team. We have a leadership council that lead the team. I feel if the team completely buys in then we will change the attitude of the school and then the town
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