Describe a person and time where you observed superior communication skills. What did the person do to make you feel like they were superior communicators? What made the moment memorable? What impact did that person and moment have on your life?
Danny mills
8/31/2016 12:49:57 pm
The first time I ever really thought that someones speech made me feel like they were superior in communication I was very young and my dad was constantly giving me "life advicse," which was really just him telling me that I needed to behave. He has a way about project his voice and making himself heard. He still gives me speeches like these every once in a while.
Brett Wilson
8/31/2016 03:48:10 pm
I agree my mother would lecture me on telling me to behave. But I really glad our parents do that to have respect with others not to disrespect them.
Eric Richard
8/31/2016 07:28:30 pm
Yea we need inspirational in our life. I think that sometimes people can influence others to there life agenda and purpose.
Dyamond Rhem' Brickhouse
8/31/2016 07:34:51 pm
My father was the same way , he was always telling me to calm down and to listen because I had so much energy that I literally could not stand in one place.
Tanner Holt
8/31/2016 09:29:11 pm
I have also had quite a few conversations with my parents about "life advice" or behaving. But I'm also glad that they were around to share with me what they had learned from their years of experience.
Cody morgan
9/1/2016 07:33:55 am
I feel the same way. My parents were always who made me feel like they were superior to me. I think that's just another method to teach children when they are young though.
Sincere Mosley
9/2/2016 10:08:58 am
I agree with you my parents lecture me all the time on how I need to do better and things I need to to get to where I wanna be
Marcos Salazar
8/31/2016 02:21:39 pm
A time when that occurred was during a TV show, the show was called Cosmos. Neil deGrasse Tyson is the host name. Since I like astronomy, that show got my full attention. The way he spoke was like a professor and I couldn't turn away or get distracted. I won't forget that show because he gave me new knowledge of everything else outside of the Earth.
Brett Wilson
8/31/2016 03:37:25 pm
I guess when I was a little kid my mother would cheer me on when I was in sports, I like almost give up on something that was to much. She would speak out and get me back on my feet don't give up you can do it to get my confidence again. To do better and never to give up, then when I would go home she would say good game you give it your 100 percent.
Marcos Salazar
8/31/2016 05:14:20 pm
Parents will always have some good advise. They make you feel better, they cheer you on and its great that your mother cheered you on.
Eric Richard
8/31/2016 07:22:52 pm
Yep I say never give up because giving isn't an option. Even so I believe we all need inspiration in our life.
Zach Condo
8/31/2016 07:25:06 pm
I'm with you there Brett. My older brother was always encouraging me to do my best on everything I do. And it's helped to make me into the man I am today.
Dyamond Rhem' Brickhouse
8/31/2016 07:38:43 pm
Even now my mom still pushes me to do better when I do the medium because she knows that I could do it,but having her in the bleachers cheering me on felt so good because I knew even if I did mess up or drop my baton she would be there to still support me and to help me make sure that I don't drop it next time with lots of practice.
anazzsa williams
8/31/2016 09:00:33 pm
It was the same with me in softball but I always had that one person who rooted me on no matter what mistakes i made. Its always good to have a supporter to push you through things you might not think you can do.
anazzsa williams
8/31/2016 08:55:59 pm
Its great to know that you all ways have a supporter by your side. my parents always tell me when you fall just brush it off and push even harder.
Tamner Holt
8/31/2016 09:31:46 pm
Parents will always be there to give you advice. Even when you think you did good they still ring something to critique. They do it mostly out of love and I'm glad your mother was there when you needed her.
Pedro Salvdor
8/31/2016 09:39:45 pm
I agree with you Brent! My mom
Sincere Mosley
9/2/2016 10:10:44 am
Same bro my parents would challenge me to do better and to show my talent and they stayed on me. Without them I wouldn't have the talent that I have
Jemyri Hull
8/31/2016 05:39:55 pm
Everyone in general has better communication skills than me. I've always envied other people ability to speak out and express their opinions. I guess this actually pushes me to be able to do this as second nature someday.
Josh schnitker
8/31/2016 08:36:28 pm
I feel where you are coming from I used to be the same way. You just have to keep working on it and it'll come to you
Heather Hinkley
8/31/2016 09:25:21 pm
Jemyri, I also have the problem that a lot of people have better communication skills than me. I have rather shy and so when it comes to meeting new people I'm very quiet and don't speak much, so there are a lot of people that can communicate much better than me.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/1/2016 12:06:35 am
Jemyri I can relate to what you're feeling but don't put yourself down like that. Im sure that with time and with Mr. Dickson's help you'll be a better communicator in no time!
Gabriel Kurth
9/1/2016 07:32:07 am
A good way to help you overcome your social anxiety is to learn to love and accept yourself even more than you already do. This will also help you be able to voice your opinions one day too.
Danny mills
9/1/2016 09:04:10 am
I feel as if you should always try to be out going. Just because you don't have a physical voice or sense of communication, doesn't mean you can still communicate. You're a very good artist and you can use your art to speak to others.
Eric Richard
8/31/2016 07:08:25 pm
For me it was the time I went to go PT with the marines. It was a great experience and it made me fell proud. The staff sergeant told a speech that made all of us work harder with confidence. To me it was a great moment. for this I don't give up when the going gets tough.
Zach Condo
8/31/2016 07:27:28 pm
I know that one Eric. Every guy in my family has been in the military and they can give some very inspiring speeches.
Cody morgan
9/1/2016 07:40:55 am
I can understand how someone like a staff sergeant would be able to give a powerful speech to you. They are normally experienced and have good advice to give which in this case it seems to have been good.
Zach Condo
8/31/2016 07:21:37 pm
I guess the person that stands out to me the most would have to be my oldest brother. whenever I'd get into an argument with my dad then he'd come pick me up and we'd talk until everyone cooled off. This is memorable to me because he'd always be able to help me in any situation. It impacted my life because it helps to learn to control my anger and I knew that I always had someone to talk to.
Marcos Salazar
8/31/2016 07:53:33 pm
Family of course always stands out. They speak so they can encourage you and say what is right to guide you. I am sure your brother is a good speaker.
Emily Baker
8/31/2016 08:12:50 pm
Zach that is great that you talked to your dad. We always need someone to talk to especially when we're angry.
Brett Wilson
8/31/2016 11:31:31 pm
I understand what you mean I did to my little brother gets in an argument with my parents. I did the same thing I'll tell him to stop don't do that so he does not make thing worse for himself.
Alec Hou
8/31/2016 11:39:05 pm
Zach, I agree that siblings is a good go-to when there are bad situations around. They usually help us cool down in any situation like you said.
Zoey Hall
8/31/2016 11:56:41 pm
Zach, I relate so much to this because I am the same way with my oldest sister. She is 8 years older than me so she has been through it all with my parents and is a great communicator. She can talk to me in a way that makes me understand both where my parents are coming from but she understands my point because she has been through it.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/1/2016 12:10:04 am
Family is always a good place to turn to. They always help you in difficult situations. I think it's cool that you had someone to help you.
Rocio Ramirez
9/1/2016 12:42:16 am
Your situation is exactly why we have family to look up to on our worst day! they pick us up even when we don't want to or aren't just having it that day. I'm glad your brother was there to help you out.
9/1/2016 08:57:07 am
Yes, people in your family can definitely stand out to people. By watching and listening to your relatives you can learn a lot of useful information.
Dyamond Rhem' Brickhouse
8/31/2016 07:29:58 pm
My grandfather is a very good communicator, when you meet him you would think he was retired from the military. Everytime he speaks he speaks with authority and he always uses the proper grammar , I don't think I've ever heard him talk with slang words. For example when I say hey grandad he says, "hey is for horses". He likes for me to say Hello. When I talk to him I always make sure I speak clearly and look him in the eyes or else I know I would hear a whole speech about why making eye contact when speaking to somone shows respect. Other then him always correcting my grammar in a text or in person, he's a really great person. I can always depend on him to be there for me and to encourage me when I feel like there's nothing left to do but give up.
Alejandra Leon
9/1/2016 06:29:19 am
You're grandpa seems like a great man. I'm sure you learn a lot from him.
Jemyri Hull
9/1/2016 07:36:56 am
I would think people who are older than us have more communication skills because they have been in this world longer. So they have had much longer to practice
Roxanne Lane
9/1/2016 10:29:08 am
I think we need more people like your grandfather. Slang words and lack of eye contact, as well as bad grammar are all big factors in bringing your communication skills down. All of these keep you from gaining respect and hold you back from growing as a speaker.
Emily Baker
8/31/2016 08:10:26 pm
Last summer at church camp there was a speaker, Sean McDowell and he was a great speaker he knew what he was talking about and if someone from the audience asked a question he was prepared to answer without taking a long time to respond.One night he pretended to be atheist for a few minutes, we had to ask him questions like "why dont you believe in God" ect.He taught me how to talk to people with different beliefs and not to show your offensive side other wise you cannot prove your point effectively and in this case let God work in their life.
Cade Rowland
8/31/2016 09:30:10 pm
Being prepared and speaking good is characteristics people need to be effective communicators. Taking people to see different views is important because everyone is unique.
Madison Stephens
8/31/2016 11:34:31 pm
Being prepared and knowing what you're doing really helps communicating. It sounds like you had a blast listening to him.
Roxanne Lane
9/1/2016 10:35:40 am
Speaking to a group of people without offending anybody is very difficult to do these days. I would have thoroughly enjoyed this speaker I think, especially since he was able to effectively prove his point and not offend anyone is very admirable.
anazzsa williams
8/31/2016 08:35:40 pm
The person I thought that was a superior communicator was Martin Luther King Jr.. Sophomore year we watched clips of Dr. Kings speeches and in every single one he was straight forward with his message, his presence demanded respect, and no matter how tough things got for him he never went back on his message and with these qualities he helped change america. Dr. King made me realize if you want something you have to be determined and willing to make sacrifices in order to get where your trying to be life.
Heather Hinkley
8/31/2016 09:22:38 pm
Anazzsa, I agree with you that MLK Jr. had amazing communication skills because millions of people have listened to his speeches. He had so many amazing speeches because of he communication skills that he impacts thousands of peoples' lives.
Faith Lucas
9/1/2016 12:32:28 am
MLK Jr. is still one of the greatest communicators in history! He knew exactly how to get his point across and stick to what he believed in. He gave hundreds upon hundreds of speeches, and anybody that got to witness one of them is truly lucky. He continues to be a role model to speakers all around the world because he knew who he was, and what he stood for.
Josh schnitker
8/31/2016 08:43:42 pm
One of the people I've noticed with great communication skills is ray lewis. He just had a way of speaking that motivated people in a way that i haven't seen before. The way he impacted me was before a game I would listen to speaches he gave his team and it would get my mind ready for the game
Pedro Salvador
8/31/2016 09:38:35 pm
Yes josh! Ray lewis is a awesome speaker. I also listened to him before are football games
Dylan Osborne
8/31/2016 10:41:16 pm
Josh, I concur on your statement on saying that Ray Lewis is a superior speaker. He has the drive and passion for the game that it comes out in the way he speaks whether it be on the gridiron or in his everyday life. He brought that swagger that he had when he was in the game.
Cole Mabry
9/1/2016 08:22:38 am
Ray Lewis man. An outstanding motivator and player, I recommend that every football player listen to at least one of his speeches before games to get their mind set on the game and only the game.
Zayra Martinez
8/31/2016 09:18:28 pm
I've met a few good speakers in my life, but of course there's this one that made quite much more of a impact then the others. Her name was Mrs.Adams, not only was she an amazing teacher but she was a amazing speaker. She spoke from her heart. Along with that she spoke very well. To me she had perfect vocabulary.
Heather Hinkley
8/31/2016 09:20:04 pm
For me a person that has superior communication skills is a pastor at me church. The way she shows her superiority is the fact that she has the patience to listen to someone and then give them advice or answers and it doesn't matter what you are talking about with her! She has listened to me so many times and help me through things. One memorable time would have to be when I tore my ACL she was always there to listen even when she wasn't really in the mood which showed her superior communication skills!!!
Cade Rowland
8/31/2016 09:28:26 pm
Ring a patient person while communicating is very important and a good characteristic. And being there for people as well.
Ethan Cade Rowland
8/31/2016 09:25:35 pm
Steven Gerrard to me is a superior communicator because he is so natural and confident with his words and isn't afraid of being himself infront of a camera. He made memorable moments because he made it feel like I had a connection with him even though he is across an ocean. His impact on my life is he has made me believe that who I am is important and to be generous to people.
Tristen vansant
8/31/2016 09:42:19 pm
Being natural is a good word to use for a superior communicater Cade. It really is a key to be yourself and not to act unnatural.
Tanner Holt
8/31/2016 09:27:05 pm
The last time I can remember someone speaking to me and me being amazed with how well they spoke or told their story was when Ternel Walker came to Sherman to tell his story. He spoke so clearly and so in depth that he got the attention of the entire auditorium. When he started speaking everyone was listening. And if you can get the attention of almost an entire school them you're a superior communicator to me.
Tristen vansant
8/31/2016 09:38:34 pm
I remember him speaking at the sports banquet too. That was a very good speech but such an unfortunate past.
Makayla Besherse
8/31/2016 10:22:04 pm
I loved when he came to our school! I think what made him so good at speaking to a group of high school students was that he balanced humor and seriousness. He made his story relatable.
Rocio Ramirez
9/1/2016 12:37:59 am
I also liked how he wasn't scared to tell his story out to the world especially a school he used to go to. His communication skills were very good, it made me see a difference after his visit to our school.
Cole Mabry
9/1/2016 08:05:37 am
I remember practically every word he told us and as a football player myself and seeing him like that and still being able to live his life is truly inspiring.
Tristen vansant
8/31/2016 09:36:50 pm
One of the best speeches I've heard was Kevin Durants MVP (most valuable player) speech. He displayed much confidence and gratitude for the award. One of the things that made it memorable was when he gave all the credit to his mother. He showed me that we can't take all the credit and that all we have to do it speak what we believe.
Dylan Osborne
8/31/2016 10:38:22 pm
Tristan, I enjoyed Kevin's speech as well it was very uplifting and very professional. I also like that he gave all the credit to his mother who believed in everything he did.
Alec Hou
8/31/2016 11:40:33 pm
Tristen, I agree that Kevin's MVP speech was memorable. I respect that he gave all credit to his mother. If it wasn't for our mothers, we wouldn't be on this earth!
Jesse Meraz
9/1/2016 12:10:24 am
I agree that speaking in what you believe makes you a skilled communicator. If you don't know what you're talking about then you don't know how to effectively communicate.
Jemyri Hull
9/1/2016 07:41:14 am
I guess having a profession where you play a sport in front of millions of people builds confidence for a person. And not taking all the credit and crediting his mother is very cool of him.
Pedro Salvador
8/31/2016 09:36:55 pm
My coach has been the last person that got my full attention and knew what he was saying. What made him a superior communicater was that he was speaking really clearly and using examples. What made unforgettable was the way he was speaking the emotions he was using.The way it impacted on my life was that he told us to never give up and keep on moving forward.
Madison Stephens
8/31/2016 11:36:18 pm
Coaches have great pep talks and great communication skills. how else would they know how to teach a team without good communication skills!
Maria Rodriguez
8/31/2016 09:45:44 pm
During my years of being a student a met a few good speakers that had very impressing communication skills, one of the teachers who always caught my attention during class was my English teacher Mrs. Lagos. She would always use very sophisticated words and try to encourage us to do the same, another way she would show her superiority in her communication skills is by finding different strategies for us to learn, she had patience and always understood that each one of us has different qualities.
Makayla Besherse
8/31/2016 10:17:46 pm
Teachers really have to be compelling and good communicators to do their job well. If they want to make connections with students like Mrs. Lagos did on you it's important.
Faith Lucas
9/1/2016 12:37:19 am
There really is nothing like a teacher that pushes you to do better. Good teachers will try to help their students grow and progress into the person that they know they could be. I think that it's very important that teachers try to make that connection with their students, because a student is much more likely to want to learn if they know that their teacher cares about them.
Makayla Besherse
8/31/2016 10:16:05 pm
At my old job I have a friend named Britney and she was a very excellent communicator. She knew how to tell me how to do things or tell me what to do without being rude or coming off the wrong way. She was also super upfront about her views and I think that really made her a good speaker, not just to one individual but in front of a group. I just remember lots of things she said because she said them in a way that really got to me, either making me laugh or making me realize something I hadn't before. She really impacted me even though we didn't work together long. She was the first person who and me feel comfortable using my voice in the workplace.
Alejandra Leon
9/1/2016 06:27:00 am
I agree that since she was upfront with her ideas made her a great speaker
Dylan Osborne
8/31/2016 10:36:21 pm
A time where I observe superior communication skills is in church when I attend every Sunday and Wednesday. My pastor would speak to not only myself but everyone in the audience in a way that would have everyone on the same page as him. This can only be explained by the awesome power of God that he has on his life. It made the moment memorable by it's power through the message he brought to us that morning it was really powerful and it's just been stuck in my mind ever since then. It showed me that I should have boldness in everything I do and trust myself in everything that comes to me.
Zoey Hall
8/31/2016 11:52:32 pm
Dylan, I definitely know where you're coming from. My pastor is also a person who stands out for being a great communicator, this is because of the way they can give the message to multiple people in an audience with everyone listening so passionately.
Alec Hou
8/31/2016 11:35:11 pm
There is not really a specific time of when I first saw superior communication skills from my grandma because she speaks to me and gives me lectures usually every time I come over. My grandma would give me life lessons and just daily advice, that made me feel like she was a superior communicator. It's usually all the time that I speak with her is memorable because it's just the way she teaches me differently than school teachers. It was just not one moment where she impacted my life because she impacts my life everyday. She inspires me to be a better person everyday!
Madison Stephens
8/31/2016 11:41:46 pm
I think a wonderful speaker that I've listened to would have to be my color guard instructor, Hinojosa. She give the best pep talks when we're about to preform and teaches so greatly. I wish to be as great as she is at giving advice and giving pep talks. It's showed me that I can get better at speaking and enjoy doing it.
Zoey Hall
8/31/2016 11:50:01 pm
One person who I observed throughout my life that was a superior communicator was my grandfather. He was always one to speak very clearly but also at a loud tone that just screamed he was passionate about everything he talked about. The reason it was so memorable was because I could tell at such a young age. These moments talking with him made me realize how much your communication tells about you when youre talking to someone.
Jesse Meraz
9/1/2016 12:08:23 am
I agree with you that speaking clearly and especially loud enough will help anyone become a more skilled communicator. I think that communication can also tell you how a person is or how they act around other people.
Giselle Gonzalez
9/1/2016 12:03:14 am
One person who I consider to have superior communication skills would have to be my aunt. Every time she speaks to me she sounds so educated, smart, and poised that she inspires me to want to be more like her. I believe that every conversation with her is memorable because she's always giving me advice and helping me out. I will always cherish her advice and take it with me throughout my life.
Jesse Meraz
9/1/2016 12:04:17 am
A time that I encountered superior communication skills was when President Obama gave his first inaugural speech in 2008. President Obama gave me the impression that he was a superior communicator because he spoke clearly and loud enough, with great posture and poise. What made the moment memorable was that he was the first African American to ever become the President of the United States. It was a pretty difficult event to miss or forget. The impact this person and this moment have had on my life is that it helped me realize anything is possible. Everyone doubted Obama in the beginning and said that there will never be an African American president, but sure enough he proved everyone wrong.
Faith Lucas
9/1/2016 12:12:58 am
One of the most influential speakers in my life was my choir teacher freshman year. He exhibited superior communication skills when he would set our work aside to talk to us about serious matters. He was a very light-hearted person, but he knew when to focus on the situation at hand and talk through problems. I think that him being confident in himself helped me be more confident when speaking. He gave so many speeches throughout the year, and I took them all to heart! He was very knowledgable, and he will always be a speaker that I look up to!
Rocio Ramirez
9/1/2016 12:32:45 am
The person that made me observe a superior communication would have to be Mrs. Arvin, every time I would stay after school she would help me with the problem that I needed help on and would communicate with me until she was for sure that I had it down. Everything about all the moments she helped me on made it memorable for me because she always wanted to help me out and be even better than before. I continue to learn from her advice till this day.
Alejandra Leon
9/1/2016 06:20:11 am
A superior speaker I know is my father. Every time he speaks everyone in the room stops and listens. He stands a little straighter and speaks his proper Spanish and it's just great. Any time he gives me his "consejos" (advice). I always take them to heart because he always sounds and always knows what he is talking about.
Gabriel Kurth
9/1/2016 07:26:56 am
My friend Magnus is a person I consider to have superior communication skills. It makes me feel inferior sometimes because he can peacefully end just about any argument. The only memorable moment I can think of is when some of my other friends were fighting and it only took Magnus one sentence to end it. As a friend he has impacted my life by influencing me to be a better person.
Justin Morrison
9/1/2016 09:57:39 am
I agree, it sucks having a friend that is a better speaker than you because you could never compare to them in an arguement
Cole Mabry
9/1/2016 08:00:23 am
I cant exactly remember the time or who the speaker was but it was a 17 year old boy who, at the age of 14, created his own company just by getting recognized at the student science fair with a couple of his friends. He was clear and loud and seemed like he imagined that he was just talking to himself. I remember the moment because it made me realize you can become successful at any age. Since i didn't really know who he was, there was no impact in my life.
9/1/2016 08:52:21 am
Yeah that's a great way to practice improving your communication skills. It also helps calm anxiety.
9/1/2016 08:51:19 am
I see it every day, mostly in school or at stores. By watching and listening to them you can pick up on skills that can be useful for your future.
Justin Morrison
9/1/2016 09:56:00 am
Same, alot of teachers and students do amazing speeches and it's insane
Justin Morrison
9/1/2016 09:55:01 am
The one time we had a class speaker in my English class. It was a surviver of the Holocaust and she came to speak at my middle school. Just the amount or courage and confidence she had amazes me. It always will
Roxanne Lane
9/1/2016 10:06:45 am
I observe superior communication skills quite often when I am at FFA meetings and events. One time in particular, was this past summer at convention. Each of the state officers have such phenomenal speaking skills, it really is just crazy to me that someone my age is so confident and clear and able to speak to 20,000 plus people. It really left an impression on me, and inspires me to really push to be more confident and realize how important it is to have good communication skills.
Sincere Mosley
9/2/2016 10:13:20 am
My parents demonstrate superior communication skills they speak with a tone and meaning that catches my attention. They make sure that I stay on track to get to where I wanna be. They tell me to set goals and go out and achieve those goals
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