What traits are most important for a skilled communicator? What is the strongest trait you possess as a communicator? What is the trait you need to work on the most as a communicator? Why? (Note: Please answer all questions) - Follow directions located to the right on the computer or located below on a mobile device.
Emily Baker
8/24/2016 08:33:20 am
Some traits that are important for a skilled communicator are being able to use proper English while speaking and can establish a point to the audience. The strongest trait I possess as a communicator is being able to share my thoughts and beliefs. The trait I have to work on most is over come the fear of public speaking in order to be a more effective communicator.
Jesse Meraz
8/24/2016 10:17:34 am
Emily I completely agree that speaking proper English and with proper diction is required to be a skilled communicator. No one is going to want you to speak in slang using shortened and inadequate terms.
Dyamond Rhem' Brickhouse
8/26/2016 09:21:09 am
I agree with this statement it's always good to use the proper grammar when communicating so that you get your point across clearly without the other person being confused as to what your trying to say.
Heather Hinkley
8/24/2016 11:15:06 am
Emily, I am right there with you and the fear of public speaking! I really don't like standing in front of people and I need to work on that so that when I do what I say is effective.
Anazzsa Williams
8/24/2016 03:19:19 pm
Emily , I also agree with using proper English. It could more effectively get your point across with out leaving anyone guessing on what your trying to imply to them.
anazzsa williams
8/24/2016 03:20:42 pm
Josh schnitker
8/24/2016 09:44:45 pm
Emily, I'm right there with you I have a huge fear of public speaking that I need to work on too
Sincere Mosley
8/25/2016 10:41:47 am
Yeah same over here josh
Sincere Mosley
8/25/2016 10:42:57 am
Yeah I totally agree with you emily
brenaysia wilson
8/25/2016 02:01:04 pm
Emily, i agree with you about using proper English people need to be able to understand everything that you are talking about.
8/29/2016 01:15:21 pm
Yes, exactly! Communicating with proper English is am important part. Without it things would be a lot more complicated.
Eric Richard
9/25/2016 06:07:43 pm
I agree proper English is a great thing to have. It helps people understand what you are trying to say.
Danny mills
8/24/2016 09:01:10 am
Communication is very important and knowing how to talk, or preforme a speach in the correct manner is the key to good Communication skills. It takes practice and patients. Along with lots of participation.
8/25/2016 06:19:38 am
I believe practice, patience, and, participation are three thing a communicator must keep in mind if he or she wants to get better too.
Dyamond Rhem' Brickhouse
8/26/2016 09:16:07 am
Yes I agree completely these three points are definitely important when it comes to communication
brenaysia wilson
8/25/2016 02:06:58 pm
Danny, i am with you on it takes practice and patients because it really does
Ethan Cade Rowland
8/24/2016 09:04:42 am
Some skills needed to be a good public speaker is confidence and soaking clearly. One thing I could work on is speaking louder and using proper English.
Dylan Osborne
8/24/2016 01:03:46 pm
Hey Cade, I agree with your statement. Sometimes I need help with is using correct and proper grammar.
Zoey Hall
8/24/2016 07:14:05 pm
Hi Eithan, I completely agree that a strong communicator is able to speak clearly, and to help with speaking louder, just be more confident in yourself and what youre talking about!
Cole Mabry
8/24/2016 07:15:05 pm
I also agree with you Ethan, using proper English is a great ability to have when speaking
Dyamond Rhem' Brickhouse
8/24/2016 09:06:37 am
Good communication skills come from learning to communicate well with others. Learning to open up more and not to hold back when you have something important to say.
J'Taija Hunter
8/24/2016 01:08:02 pm
Hi Dyamond, i agree with your idea of a skilled communicator.
J'Taija Hunter
8/24/2016 09:07:57 am
To be a skilled communicator, some traits are being able to speak loudly enough to be heard by other and to be able to speak proper English. The strongest trait i possess a communicator would be me being able to speak English and being able to express my thoughts to others. The trait i need to work on it speaking out loud because that is one thing I have trouble doing.
Jesse Meraz
8/24/2016 10:19:38 am
J'Taija I completely agree that speaking loudly and clearly is a trait that skilled communicators must possess. You will not be able to get your point across in front of a crowd if you are speaking in a low and subtle voice.
Cole Mabry
8/24/2016 07:18:36 pm
I agree with you J'Taija, speaking lout and clear is essential
8/29/2016 01:17:03 pm
Yes, precisely. If you're as quiet as a mouse it makes things worse for you.
9/25/2016 06:10:29 pm
Proper English is great to have in a speech and to speak loudly too.
Jesse Meraz
8/24/2016 10:14:20 am
The traits that are most important for a skilled communicator are voice, posture, and body language. The trait I personally need to work on the most is my posture, because many people will not take your argument seriously if you are not standing up straight and square.
J'Taija Hunter
8/24/2016 01:06:58 pm
Jesse, i agree with the traits that you think are important for a skilled communicator.
Faith Lucas
8/25/2016 12:49:41 am
Jesse, I think that body language is extremely important in communication! good communicators can get their point across with their movements and facial expressions! communication isn't just done verbally!
Makayla Besherse
8/25/2016 10:01:13 am
By faith you're right, body language is a very important part in sending the message you want to send.
Makayla Besherse
8/24/2016 10:28:27 am
Confidence is key for a communicator. How can you clearly get your point across unless you are confident in what you're saying? My strength as a communicator is understanding, if you understand who you are speaking to you know what words to say, and how to say what you want, without offending them. However something I could improve on is thinking about the words I want to say before I actually say them.
Heather Hinkley
8/24/2016 11:11:13 am
Hey Makayla! I agree with you that confidence is a key trait. If you are not confident in what you are saying then what you say will not be as effective.
Sam Krider
8/24/2016 02:18:23 pm
Understanding the person or persons you are communicating to and what you are communicating is very important, or else you won't be able to effectively get your point across!
Marcos Salazar
8/24/2016 03:07:02 pm
Being able to go up and speak to a crowd. I agree, confidence is an important trait.
Zach Condo
8/24/2016 05:38:06 pm
Makayla. I'm with you on thinking more before speaking. I sometimes get tongue tied our stutter because I don't think as I speak so things kinda blend together.
8/24/2016 05:58:42 pm
Makayla, I could not agree with what you said more. I also think that you need confidence in yourself to be a good speaker.
Emily Baker
8/24/2016 10:29:35 pm
Makayla I agree with you, confidence is very important for a skilled communicator to have.
Sam Krider
8/24/2016 10:55:48 am
A few important traits for communicators are a firm grasp of the language communicated in, the ability to empathize with the people being communicated to, having confidence, and being able to effectively convey one's emotions when communicating. I feel as though the trait I'm strongest at is empathy, I've learned how important it is to be able to put oneself in another's position, to at least try to understand why they think the way they do and why they believe what they believe, this has helped me numerous times in conversations and arguments with people who hold opinions that are the polar opposite of mine. However, my weakest trait would be my lack of confidence, I have trouble speaking in front of strangers and groups of people, and I hope I'm able to improve upon this trait as it is as serious hindrance when making a presentation.
Jemyri Hull
8/25/2016 07:56:03 am
Hopefully as we all progress through this class, those that lack confidence when speaking to strangers will get it boosted by the end of the semester.
Gabriel Kurth
8/29/2016 07:43:55 am
I believe that being able to feel empathy is just a good trait in general for daily life.
Heather Hinkley
8/24/2016 11:09:42 am
Some important traits of a communicator are be able to speak in an effective way that appeals to a broad audience, able to listen to others opinions and be able to share their opinions and beliefs in a respectful way. I think that the strongest trait I process is the ability to listen to others ideas and thoughts. My weakest trait would have to be the fear of public speaking. I have a very hard time when it comes to speaking in front of groups of people.
Dylan Osborne
8/24/2016 01:00:27 pm
Heather, something that may help you is to practice speaking in front of your family and then increasingly grow in size of people until that fear you have hopefully should be gone.
Zoey Hall
8/24/2016 07:10:16 pm
Heather, I completely agree with you that a good communicator is able to speak in an appealing way but also I believe a strong communicator should be able to have a conversation while saying youre opinion not trying to appeal to someone without upsetting them.
Makayla Besherse
8/25/2016 10:03:29 am
Very true heather, as a speaker you should be able to convey your point to a group and not just one person.
Dylan Osborne
8/24/2016 12:57:08 pm
The traits for a skilled communicator are that they need to voice their opinion strongly and to be able to speak in a clear and controlled voice. The strongest trait that I have is that I can speak strongly about a topic that I'm knowledgeable about. The one trait that I need to work on the most would have to be that when I do speak I sometimes ramble on about a topic that has nothing to do with the topic on hand. Reasons why may be that I run out of things to say about that topic and I need to somehow manage my notes more effectively.
Sam Krider
8/24/2016 02:10:22 pm
Communicating clearly really is an important trait, Dylan. Most communication skills become useless if you can't properly present those skills.
Marcos Salazar
8/24/2016 03:05:43 pm
I agree, a clear voice will always be herd. That is a big trait for communicaters.
8/24/2016 06:01:13 pm
Speaking clearly is one of, if not, the most needed skill when communicating. If you can't speak clearly then no one will understand what you're trying to say
Marcos Salazar
8/24/2016 03:04:15 pm
The most important trait they can have is being able to speak what they need to, strongly and firmly. The strongest trait I have is having my ideas written and prepared. Though my weakness would actually be communicating with others. Reasons why is because I stutter, I get all confuse with my self and place words where they don't belong.
anazzsa wiiliams
8/24/2016 03:09:42 pm
Marcos, I agree with you because speaking with a big voice is a great way to grab and audience attention.
Zach Condo
8/24/2016 05:32:02 pm
Marcos. I know where you're coming from. when I'm presenting to a crowd I start to stutter a bit as well.
Giselle Gonzalez
8/24/2016 11:08:24 pm
Marcos I hope that over time you can over come your stutter and become a better communicator.
Anazzsa Williams
8/24/2016 03:07:33 pm
some good traits to be a skilled communicator is to ask questions, listen and clarify anything that someone might not have understood or a point that you've might not have understood from them. One of the strongest traits I have is asking questions about a situation I might not have understood as clearly as someone else might have. One of the traits I do need to work on is having confidence in what I am saying in front of a crowed because I often choke or stumble on words.
Emily Baker
8/24/2016 10:26:56 pm
Anazzsa, I agree with you, a skilled communicator asks questions and clarify's any miscommunication.
Zach Condo
8/24/2016 05:29:46 pm
A skilled communicator must be able to read the room and have all his information correct and up to date.The strongest trait you have is knowing about what you're presenting about. I personally need to work on my pronunciation because sometimes I slur my words.
Roxanne Lane
8/24/2016 09:29:13 pm
Zach, you are so right about being able to scan the room, and making eye contact. I can also relate to you, as it is easy to slur my words while speaking too!!!
Faith Lucas
8/25/2016 12:55:49 am
Zach, I agree that it is extremely important to understand what you're talking about! When you are presenting something to an audience, you need to be confident on the information you have put together in order to have a solid speech!
Tanner Holt
8/24/2016 05:57:14 pm
Some important skills to have are being able to speak confidently and without stuttering. One of the things I need to work on is looking up when I talk to a crowd.
Brett Wilson
8/24/2016 06:12:46 pm
i think the most important thing is maybe not be a shame of how you speak in front of people,speak proudly and clearly.
Zoey Hall
8/24/2016 07:07:32 pm
Some key elements needed to be a "skilled" communicator is speaking clearly and loudly. By doing this the audience or person is able to understand what you're saying more clearly. Myself I feel my strongest trait is being confident while speaking. A trait I need to work on is stuttering while trying to think about what I am going to say next.
Pedro Salvador
8/24/2016 10:06:43 pm
I agree with you Zoey about speaking loud and clearly
Cole Mabry
8/24/2016 07:32:06 pm
A few important traits of a communicator are be able to speak in an effective way that appeals to a broad audience, able to listen to others opinions and be able to share their opinions and beliefs in a respectful way. I think that the strongest trait I process is the ability to listen to others ideas and thoughts. My weakest trait would have to be the fear of public speaking. It's just a problem I have, I fear people's judgements.
Roxanne Lane
8/24/2016 09:27:58 pm
Cole, I totally agree with you the traits you think are most important. If you dont share your opinion in a respectful way, then others won't respect you or be interested in your presentation.
Josh schnitker
8/24/2016 09:43:14 pm
Cole, I completely agree that being able to share and respect multiple perspectives is an important trait
8/25/2016 06:00:36 am
I agree with you 100% that you have to be able to listen to other people's opinions to be a good communicator. Communicating is just about speaking. It's great that you listen to others.
Roxanne Lane
8/24/2016 09:24:53 pm
The most important trait to me when it comes to communicating, is being able to clearly get your point across in a respectful and timely manner. Confidence is definitely key when it comes to speaking in front of others and it is something that I don't exactly think I am lacking, but there is always room for improvement. I do have a habit of rushing my words and stumbling over them sometimes when I do give speeches, and that's a downfall in presenting in front of others and plan on putting forth the effort to fix it.
Josh schnitker
8/24/2016 09:40:30 pm
Being confident is a great trait to be a skilled communicator. One of my skills is that I'm opened minded to many ideas. One thing I need to work on is my fear of public speaking
Pedro Salvador
8/24/2016 10:05:59 pm
I agree with you josh about the opened minded part.
Alec Hou
8/24/2016 11:04:22 pm
Josh, I think being confident is one of the most important things to being a skilled communicator. With no confidence, you would have no hope in yourself and would be too scared to speak.
Pedro Salvador
8/24/2016 10:05:07 pm
I believe that the most import trait for a skilled communicater is how to have somebody else attention and give them your fully attention. My strongest trait is that I'm not shy at all I can talk to somebody and try to Make a conversation with them but the one I have to work on is to speak the English language more properly .
Alec Hou
8/24/2016 11:00:38 pm
Pedro, I agree that an important trait would be how to have somebody else's attention because if they're not paying attention to you, how would they know what you were speaking about?
Alec Hou
8/24/2016 10:56:55 pm
Most traits needed for a skilled communicator are knowing how to speak publicly, show emotion, and make eye contact in my opinion. I would say my strongest trait would be that it's not hard for me to speak to others and make conversation. I think a trait I could work on would be not being as shy in public because then it would be easier for me to speak publicly and not be as nervous.
Giselle Gonzalez
8/24/2016 11:05:34 pm
Hi Alec! I think the traits you mentioned are very important in order to have good communication. I hope you can overcome your shyness so you won't be nervous when speaking in public! Good luck
Tristen vansant
8/25/2016 08:57:34 am
I agree with you Alec on showing emotion. That is a key trait
Giselle Gonzalez
8/24/2016 11:00:46 pm
I believe that confidence and tone are key factors in order to achieve a good level of communication with others. How will you be able to get your point across if you're speaking to others in a rude, disrespectful manner? One of my strenghts when speaking in public is that I'm not very shy however I could work on not rushing my words. I tend to speak very fast and it makes it hard for others to understand me.
Faith Lucas
8/25/2016 12:40:28 am
The most important traits that a skilled communicator can have are being able to speak loudly, knowing their audience, staying on topic, and interacting with the audience (asking and answering questions). My strongest trait as a communicator is being able to communicate the same idea to different audiences (changing my choice of words/explaining things in different ways to different age groups or formal/casual settings.) The trait that I need to work on most as a communicator is being anxious to talk in front of people. I sometimes question myself when presenting information to an audience, and I need to work on that because confidence is key in communication.
Dyamond Rhem' Brickhouse
8/25/2016 01:11:43 am
I believe that being a good communicator you have to be able to speak clearly, loud enough for the other person to hear you and you need to know the proper English to use. My strengths when communicating is giving my honest opinion and that I'm confident . My weakens are public speaking and not speaking loud enough.
8/25/2016 05:56:43 am
The strongest traits a communicator can have is the ability to speak clearly and to be confident in what they are trying to let the audience know. With these to traits I believe you can go a long way. One of my strengths is starting of strong and always knowing exactly what to say (I practice..). But a weakness I have is always second guessing myself while presenting thinking everything I say is wrong or just not good enough, which causes me to stutter and get nervous.
Jemyri Hull
8/25/2016 06:56:44 am
Skilled communicators are very assertive when they are speaking to others. Weather it's in front of many people, or just face to face win someone else. Another strong point is being able to look someone in the eyes when communcating with the other person.
Tristen vansant
8/25/2016 07:42:16 am
An important communication trait is being direct. My strongest trait would be being social. One of the traits I need to work on is understanding.
Jemyri Hull
8/25/2016 09:04:20 pm
Right, being direct while talking to others makes it easier for them and also for yourself. That way you don't find yourself rambling to other topics
Justin Morrison
8/26/2016 12:16:53 am
Being direct is a great trait to need, its not very professional to beat around the bush.
Juan Zuniga
8/25/2016 09:32:26 am
A key skill that most, if not all, skilled communicators have is self-esteem. Without self-esteem you are liable to fail at having your point proven. A strong trait I possess is connection. To connect with others I first try to relate to what people have a problem with, then I find ways to solve the situation in a way that everyone will find agreeable. The trait i need improve the most is confidence, because I tend to become anxious in front of a crowd.
Justin Morrison
8/26/2016 12:15:09 am
Totally agree, self esteem is key. I wish you luck on ur confidence, I feel like you'd be a great speaker :D
Sincere Mosley
8/25/2016 10:44:44 am
I'm confident in what Im talking about and I'm able to prove my point but one of the things I need to work is being able to use proper English and just having the courage to speaking in front of big groups
Mr. Dickson
8/25/2016 12:38:47 pm
Another great journal for many of you. Any post made after mine is considered late for grading purposes. Please continue to follow directions by making "one" response to the questions asked in the journal and replying to "two" responses made by your colleagues.
brenaysia wilson
8/25/2016 01:56:16 pm
The most important traits to being a skilled communicator is knowing how to speak proper English. being able to encourage others, having confidence and being enthusiastic. My trait is that i am very articulate and very good about giving my honest opinion.
Justin Morrison
8/26/2016 12:13:56 am
The most important trait to be a skilled communicator is to be able to talk to somebody without being nervous or saying the same thing twice, you need to be exact with your words. As a communicator, I believe my strongest traits are I'm not afraid to get up and talk because I've been in theatre classes so I'm basically down to talk to anybody and I can think of stuff on the spot. I need to really work on getting out of my comfort zone and talk about more things. I'm very bad about sticking to certain topics.
Gabriel Kurth
8/29/2016 07:38:19 am
It's important to remain as open minded as possible
Sincere Mosley
8/28/2016 08:50:19 am
Some important traits of a communicator are be able to speak in a way that gets to a broad audience, and being able to listen to others opinions . I think that the strongest trait I process is the ability to explain my point. My weakest trait would have to be the fear of public speaking. I have a very hard time when it comes to speaking in front of groups of people.
Maria Rodriguez
8/28/2016 04:39:10 pm
One of the most important traits a skilled communicator can have is confidence as many of my classmates mentioned before, in order to get the audience to pay attention to what you are trying to communicate you need to dominate the topic and know exactly what you are talking about. You also need to use proper English and have good dictation. My strongest trait is that I am not afraid to let people know my opinion and I need to work on speaking louder and not trying to rush so much.
Rocio Ramirez
8/28/2016 11:02:10 pm
The most important traits for a good communicator is to have the ability of being able to speak effectively, and also developing your communication so it can help people to become a better and skilled communicater. The trait I need to work on is to be more effectively on my speaking.
Gabriel Kurth
8/29/2016 07:34:08 am
In today's world the best thing you can do is look somebody in the eye whilst talking to them. But this isn't always possible, for example if you're giving a speech in front of a bunch of people you can't look everyone in the eye. What you can do is try to connect with your audience
Gabriel Kurth
8/29/2016 07:36:53 am
The trait I need to work on the most is my fear of public speaking.
8/30/2016 08:55:37 am
It can be super hard for people to talk in front of others.
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