Read the article for this week titled "Post 9/11 Policing." What do you think was one of the most dramatic changes that police departments made in the post 9/11 world? - Please be specific in your answer and your response should contain a minimum of a 250 word count. (Click this link with help with word count)(Comments to this post due no later than Monday, 9/17/2018 at 3:15 PM)
Read the news story and watch the video attached to this journal - click the button below. 1) Was this an ethics violation by the officer? 2) Should the officer be penalized and, if so, how severe (written reprimand, unpaid suspension, termination)? 3) What should a police department do to prevent this incident from happening in the future? (Comments to this post due no later than Monday, 9/10/2018 at 3:15 PM)
LE-1 JournalsWritten responses authored by members of multiple LE-1 classes. ArchivesCategories |