Professional Communications
Assignments - Spring 2020
If you have a question or need to turn in your assignment electronically, you may email Mr. Dickson (click here)
Day 7 (Wednesday, October 29, 2020)
Day 6 (Tuesday, October 28, 2020)
Sender Receiver / Model & Activity continued
Test Review
Day 5 (Monday, October 27, 2020)
Sender Receiver / Model & Activity
Body Language (Ann Cuddy's TED Talk)
Day 4 (Friday, October 23, 2020)
Nonverbal Communication Discussion / Lecture continued
Day 3 ( (Thursday, October 22, 2020
Symbolic Presentations continued
Nonverbal Communication Discussion / Lecture
Day 2 Wednesday, October 21, 2020)
Symbolic Presentations
Communication Model Discussion / Lecture
Day 1 (Tuesday, October 20, 2020)
Meet the Teacher Introductions
Teacher Syllabus and Letter Overview
Class Remind
Audience Etiquette DIscussion / Lecture
Symbolic Presentation Overview
10 Rules for Success (Video)
(Fall 2020 Semester)